The fifth episode of the ongoing K-drama Black Out aired on Friday, August 30, 2024. Since its debut on August 16, 2024, the mystery-thriller show garnered global attention. Directed by Lee Kyoo-man and Byun Young-joo, Black Out is based on the German novel Snow White Must Die by Nele Neuhaus.
Black Out follows the story of Goh Jeong-woo (played by Byun Yo-han), who returns to his hometown after serving time for two murders he does not remember committing. Upon his return, unfortunate incidents lead him to unravel the truth behind the two murders that happened 10 years ago. His quest may reveal hidden secrets of those around him.
Black Out episode 5 concluded with the arrival of Geon-oh, in Mucheon after 10 years. Episode 6 will revolve around the secrets his arrival will reveal.
Black Out episode 6 recap: Geon-oh's arrival stirs the town.
In Black Out episode 6, a flashback showed Jeong-woo helping his schoolmate Bo-yeong with lunch money and aiding her in escaping her abusive father, Shim Dong-min, who often beat her and her mother. In episode 5, Shim Dong-min attempted to kill Jeong-woo, but Jeong-woo boldly confronted him, explaining that he didn't kill Bo-yeong and questioning Dong-min's own whereabouts. He explained the error in the timeline and questioned Dong-min's whereabouts on that day. Dong-min's plan failed with the arrival of Sang-cheol.
At Su-oh's house, it was revealed that Su-oh's brother, Hyeon Geon-oh, had returned to Mucheon after 10 years. Gu-tak was extremely angry with his arrival and asked him to leave as soon as possible, as no one could know about his presence. He asked about Jeong-woo's release, and Gu-tak warned him not to meet him.
Assemblywoman Ye Yeong-sil confronted her husband, Park Hyeong-sik, about the messages and told him she would handle it. When he tried to explain himself, she shut him up.
Jeong-woo revealed to Sang-cheol that he stayed in Mucheon despite the abuse because he wanted to uncover the truth for the sake of his friends Bo-yeong and Da-eun. He begged Sang-cheol to reopen the case, and they both tried to find new evidence.
Ha Seol was relieved from her job as a waitress at Mucheon Garden on Gu-tak's orders, which confused her. She went to his house to talk with him but was greeted by Geon-oh, who had been drinking heavily since the morning. He asked her for a favor.
Jeong-woo went to Bo-yeong's house to look for the school bag she used to carry. He met Lee Jae-hee, who revealed that Jeong-woo's mother had helped her immensely during her lowest moments but had been hating her for 10 years.
Dong-min's friend asked if he had hidden the rifle well.
After reviewing the autopsy report of Bo-yeong's corpse, Sang-cheol found another discrepancy. Bo-yeong's death was due to external force on the head, leading to brain trauma, but a fracture in the pelvis confused the officer.
Sang-cheol connected the dots between Bo-yeong's missing underwear and her pelvis fracture, postulating that she might have been sexually assaulted. He went to discuss these new findings with Hyun Gu-tak, but Gu-tak dismissed his request to reopen the case, citing that sexual assault evidence was inconclusive.
Sang-cheol tried to persuade Gu-tak by presenting a rifle bullet he had found at Jeong-woo's house, questioning why Jeong-woo was released despite his confession. Gu-tak explained that Dong-min had told the prosecutor he was bribed with alcohol and cigarettes, which could lead to an investigation into Sang-cheol. As Sang-cheol left the office, he saw a photo of Gu-tak with Ye Yeong-sil and Park Hyeong-sik.
Drunk, Geon-oh arrived at Jeong-woo's place and became emotional seeing the abuse written on the walls.
Ha Seol met with Park Hyeong-sik and expressed her desire to meet Su-oh. He served her tea and brought out a star-shaped sticker he had found previously. It was revealed that Da-eun had been Park Hyeong-sik's patient and used to stick these stickers on her walls every time she met him, marking a total of 14 times. It was also clarified that Da-eun and Ha Seol had shared the same room, the one above Mucheon Garden.
After Ha Seol left, Park Hyeong-sik received another message from the same number, saying, "Someone saw you killing me," leading him to suspect she was the sender and inquire about her evening plans.
Dong-min started asking Bo-yeong's school friends about her whereabouts on the day of her murder.
Geon-oh went to Byeong-mu's house and met his father. His father mentioned that Byeong-mu had become a police officer after passing his exam, to which Geon-oh commented, "shameless bastard." Wanting to meet Byeong-mu, he followed his father to Mucheon Garden.
Sang-cheol goes to their school to question the teachers about Bo-yeong and Ca-eun. Their homeroom teacher does not say much. Jeong-woo too tries to question their homeroom teacher if she knew any other friends of Bo-yeong besides them or if she found anything in her locker that day.
At Mucheon Garden, while everyone is a bit surprised Byeong-mu and Min-su are particularly wary of his presence. Byeong-mu tries to persuade him to hangout alone without the elders but Geon-oh pushes him away. Byeong-mu and Min-su's father are also anxious about his presence. After he is gone, Min-su's. father whispers to Byeong-mu's father that he should not worry, just as that time, they do not know anything.
Gu-tak was unable to get plane tickets for Geon-oh's departure because he had dealt with psychoactive drugs. Jeong-woo asked for Gu-tak's help, believing that Bo-yeong had met someone else that night. Gu-tak brought out pictures of evidence gathered against Jeong-woo at that time, including a monkey wrench with Da-eun's blood found in Jeong-woo's trash can.
Gu-tak also showed a picture of Jeong-woo's muddied and bloodied shoes, to which Jeong-woo replied that he had never worn those shoes as they were too small. Jeong-woo angered Gu-tak by questioning what Su-oh and Geon-oh had been doing that day.
Sang-cheol made one more effort with the homeroom teacher, asking her about Jeong-woo and his relationship with Bo-yeong. She told him that they were best friends who had grown up together, and Jeong-woo had helped pay for her books and lunch because she came from an impoverished family. She also emphasized that Bo-yeong used to smile a lot at school despite her difficult circumstances.
Ha Seol went with Hyeong-sik, while Geon-oh was seen rummaging through Su-oh's greenhouse plants looking for something. He packed it in a suitcase and went to Jeong-woo's house. He hugged Jeong-woo earnestly, handed him the suitcase, got down on his knees, and asked for Jeong-woo's forgiveness.
The episodes concluded with Gu-tak calling someone urgently to find Geon-oh after seeing the mess in the greenhouse. Min-su and Byeong-mu's fathers were seen driving in search of Geon-oh. Jeong-woo opened the suitcase to find Bo-yeong's purple bag and angrily asked if Geon-oh had killed Bo-yeong.
Black Out airs weekly on Friday and Saturday in South Korea on channel, MBC. Episodes 7 and 8 will be premiering next week on September 7-8, 2024.