On May 31, 2024, reports of BTS' Kim Taehyung, aka V, starring on an upcoming variety show, TaeTae's Kitchen, made waves online. The post was also shared by X user (@taehuide), which included a screenshot of a South Korean news article allegedly stating that the BTS idol pre-recorded the variety show before his enlistment. The caption on the tweet read,
"[INFO] According to Kmedia BTSV will be starring in a new variety show (pre-recorded before his enlistment) titled TaeTae’s Kitchen airing exclusively on Netflix. TaeTae’s Kitchen, a spin off of the hit show Jinny’s Kitchen will follow the journey of Intern Taehyung as he opens his truck business in Mexico."
Allegedly, the show is a spin-off of the Prime Video variety show Jinny's Kitchen, featuring Kim Taehyung, Park Seo-joon, Choi Woo-shik, Jung Yu-mi, and Lee Seo-jin, which was released in February 2023. However, several fans claimed that the news of TaeTae's Kitchen was fake. Furthermore, when checked to verify the report, there were no results on Google. Hence, this news can be debunked as inaccurate.
More in-depth digging into the viral claim of Taehyung's upcoming cooking show
The screenshot of the news article in the X user's (@taeguide) tweet had a headline in Korean titled "방탄소년단 (BTS) 뷔 6월 1일 새 버라이어티 태태의 부엌 출연". Which translates to "BTS's V will appear on the new variety show Taetae's Kitchen on June 1." It is important to note that the translation was acquired from Google Translate.
Searches for the specific title on Google brought up only three South Korean news stories about Taehyung. The first one was an Instagram post regarding the impending TaeTae's Kitchen variety cooking program featuring the BTS idol without providing a source or link for confirmation. The other two were South Korean media outlet Star News' articles from March 2023:
- Star News — BTS V selected as Sim Invest public relations ambassador...Korean fan meeting in June
- Star News — BTS V, ranked 1st in ‘The male idol you want to sit next to in the new semester’
It is important to remember that Google searches turned up no results for the specific title that was used in @taeguide's article. Simultaneously, a TaeTae's Kitchen poster with Netflix's logo became popular on the internet. Remarkably, neither Netflix's Korea nor K-content accounts acknowledged any news, updates, or tweets about the alleged upcoming release by BTS' Taehyung.
Even when both pieces of news circulated on X, most fans argued that they were fraudulent. In addition, one hour after tweeting about the Love Me Again singer-songwriter's purported impending event, About Music's official X account (@AboutMusicYT) deleted it.
For the unversed, About Music is an online and credible media source that posts and updates about music, K-pop, sales, charts, and more. Hence, this further reiterated the fact that the initial news, as shared by @taeguide, is inaccurate. Moreover, the BTS idol enlisted in the military in December 2023, and no other news and media outlets have so far covered anything related to the alleged show, TaeTae's Kitchen.
Jinny's Kitchen is a variety show where Kim Taehyung, aka V, Park Seo-joon, Choi Woo-shik, Jung Yu-mi, and Lee Seo-jin manned a small restaurant in Mexico. The show is available on Prime Video for worldwide streaming. The show also aired two extended special episodes in November 2023 titled Jinny's Kitchen: Team Building (aka Visiting God of Communication: Jinny's Kitchen).