My Military Valentine, a romance-action drama was released on Viki on June 7, 2024. The main cast of the show consists of Nam Gyu-ri, Kim Min-seok, and Song Jae-rim; supporting cast members include Kim Jung-young, Noh Sang-hyun, and Lee Jung-hyun.
Park Gwang-choon's drama, My Military Valentine, is set in the tranquil city of Pyeoghwasi, where people from North and South Korea have come together to put down their weapons and live in harmony.
Major General Baek Young-ok, a North Korean soldier entrusted with guarding the rapidly expanding Pyeonghwasi, is portrayed by Nam Gyu-ri. As a member of FITA, one of the most well-known K-pop boy bands with a worldwide impact, Kim Min-seok assumes the role of the beloved K-pop star Lloyd. In My Military Valentine, Song Jae-rim portrays Song Jae-hoon, an opponent of the recent advancements between the two nations and plays a negative role.
My Military Valentine: Episodes 3 and 4 recap
Episode 3: Lloyd and Baek Young-ok end up in the hospital
Episode 3 of My Military Valentine opens with an insight into Baek Young-ok's difficult childhood. She is the daughter of Baek Ri-soo. As it turns out, she knew Song Jae-hoon, the leader of Violet, the terrorist group as a child. They were in the same training camp and Jae-hoon was the only person kind to her.
Back at Jae-hoon's pub, his subordinates claim to have gotten rid of Baek Young-ok. However, knowing Young-ok, Jae-hoon refuses to believe them. Young-ok and Lloyd, after escaping their terrorists, get to the bank of the river. Young-ok is injured with a bullet to her ribs.
The mayor's officials deploy forces to find the two. Meanwhile, Lloyd tries his best to take care of Young-ok, who seems to be having nightmares. It is revealed here that her father was a high-ranking official and was taken away when she was a child.
Their comrades find Lloyd carrying Young-ok. The next scene shows Lloyd waking up in the hospital with his agency CEO sitting beside his bed. After having gone through such an ordeal, Lloyd is frustrated about being put in the counter-terrorism training.
Young-ok finds the two scammers from before in the hospital and follows them around to ask for 10 bottles of the medicine. Taking the opportunity, they ask for 1 million won as payment.
Right then, Lloyd finds the three and calls out the scammers. He takes the medicine from them and promises to pay 10 times the amount if it delivers what they promise. However, if he falls sick, their personal information will be leaked to his fans.
They stop him from drinking it and escape, which frustrates Young-ok, who asks Lloyd to mind his own business. Jae-hoon appears in the hospital and hugs Young-ok in the third episode of My Military Valentine.
Episode 4: How is Mi-rae related to Baek Young-OK?
Young-ok and Jae-hoon have not seen each other for a decade, and the two leave Lloyd alone to catch up. Young-ok learns that Jae-hoon suffered severe injuries in a mission and had to leave the military. Lloyd sneakily attempts to eavesdrop on the two and ends up interrupting them.
Seo Hee-ji, a lawyer, is appointed to Lloyd at his request. He explains to her that the gun he procured was a fake one, but now his agency is trying to use the case of illegal weapon possession to keep him in the counter-terrorism unit. Hee-ji tells him that if Young-ok (who is aware of the weapon being fake) testifies, it could help Lloyd transfer to PR Defense.
With Young-ok as his last resort, he tries to persuade her to testify, but she refuses. Jae-hoon lays a trap to catch Song-i by threatening Lloyd's life.
After another argument with Young-ok, Lloyd dreams about their underwater kiss and wakes up confused, only to find Young-ok having another nightmare. As he gives her a worry doll to help her sleep, she grabs his hand. Out of concern, Lloyd sits beside her bed and eventually falls asleep.
After waking up, Young-ok refuses to believe Lloyd when he tells her that she is the one who held his hand. Later, two soldiers from the unit visit Mi-rae's grandmother's restaurant, and seeing one of them, she gets teary-eyed. Back in the hospital, Young-ok gets ready to go out, refusing to listen to the doctors,.
In Mi-rae's school bus, her classmates start asking about her mother, which bothers her. Young-ok waits with the grandmother for Mi-rae's bus to arrive. Seeing her, Mi-rae gets excited and calls her "mom." Lloyd sneakily follows Young-ok and is now aware of this secret.
Young-ok catches Lloyd as she prepares to go back on duty. They engage in a small squabble while Young-ok tries to take Lloyd back to the unit. However, Lloyd convinces her to finish her treatment, and the two head back to the hospital. Right outside, Song-i is shot and the fourth episode of My Military Valentine ends.
Fans can stream My Military Valentine on Viki.