On Saturday, January 18, When The Phone Rings actor, Yoo Yeon-seok, interacted with his fans at the Fancam event, titled The Secret Code: Y. The event was organized at the Donghae Cultural Arts Center at Kwangwoon University. A special video message for Yeon-seok from his When The Phone Rings co-star Chae Soo-bin was played on the screen during his fan meet.
Yoo Yeon-seok appeared to blush while watching Soo-bin's video message. After seeing the clip, the actor stood up to get some water. His actions quickly got noticed by his admirers online, after his video from the fan meet went viral. One user on X commented:
“ah look at how he couldn't even still and calm down when Soobin appeared on the screen, bro literally got blushed all over his face at this moment. Chae Soobin's effect on him is truly insane”
Many other reactions from the actors' fans were seen online. While some pointed out Yoo Yeon-seok’s action of drinking water right after Chae Soo-bin’s video message was played, others noticed how nervously he blinked multiple times.
“couldn't stay still = nervous/uneasy blinks rapidly = CAN be a sign of attraction/nervous/excited google's words, not me,” stated a fan.
“When Soo Bin's VCR came on. Ok Mr. OBVIOUS * a more clear version,” commented another fan.
“I read an interview where he was asked what emotions he can’t hide, and he acknowledged that when he loves something you can see it on his face. People can always tell when he is looking at a photo of Rita, he says. Love is the emotion he can’t hide,” an admirer wrote.
“The way he was closely watching her and trying to control his adorable smile but he couldn't, after watching her the way he softly clapped for her" commented an admirer.
Some were glad to see Yeon-seok and Soo-bin’s interaction, while others stated that the actor blushed while watching her video.
“the way he drink some water so blushing,” a fan wrote.
“he suddenly drank water and muttered "Ahhh..." after his wife's message???? UNDERSTANDABLE SHE LOOKS GORGEOUS,” stated another X user.
“Lmao so cute he had to drink water to calm his heart down after seeing her,” a fan said.
Yoo Yeon-seok and Chae Soo-bin won the Best Couple Award for When The Phone Rings
Yoo Yeon-seok and Chae Soo-bin, the leads in When the Phone Rings, were among the notable winners at the 2024 MBC Drama Awards, and reportedly won several awards, including Best Couple. The actors' on-screen chemistry grabbed viewers and led to the drama's popularity.
The romantic thriller K-drama, When The Phone Rings, aired its first episode on November 22, 2024, and it saw its finale on January 4, 2025. The MBC K-drama encompasses a total of twelve episodes with a runtime of around 1 hour and 8 minutes.
The plot of When The Phone Rings was based on Geon Eomul Nyeo’s (건어물녀) web novel The Number You Have Dialed (지금 거신 전화는). The show can currently be streamed on Netflix and Wavve.
Following When The Phone Rings, Yoo Yeon-seok has other projects scheduled for 2025, including God and Law Firm, Your Taste, and No Other Choice, among others.