NewJeans' fans allegedly sent condolence wreaths to HYBE headquarters on Tuesday, July 30, 2024, in support of ADOR's CEO, Min Hee-jin. The wreaths are expected to be placed at the headquarters until August 1, 2024. A NewJeans gallery on the online community site, DC Inside, organized the protest in support of Min Hee-jin.
The wreaths seemingly had messages calling out HYBE's incompetence in managing the K-pop girl group. Some of the messages on the wreaths included "HYBE's Management Standards Declared Dead," "Rest In Peace with Humanity and Ethics of HYBE", "Stop Killing NewJeans, Stop Killing ADOR!", and more.
Netizens were shocked when they found out about the wreaths, and while many supported NewJeans fans for the protest, others were taken aback by the situation. The latter group stated that sending condolence wreaths, which are often found at funerals, to HYBE headquarters was quite extreme.
Some also called out HYBE's lack of proper management towards their artists, as others claimed that they were done with the feud between HYBE and ADOR. They took to X to react to the wreaths being sent to the HYBE headquarters in Yongsan-gu, Seoul.
"Oh brother, end this beef already," a fan said.
"I think we ALL stand by newjeans! HYBE is shameless" - said a fan on X
"Ador wanted to solve everything privately at first yet hybe decided to use media play and drag innocent artists into this huge mess (who’s not protecting their artists?" a netizen said.
"I know that they are fuming at Hybe right now but the public humiliation is deserved. Bang PD you should have treated your most successful girl group better" another netizen said.
While some people supported the protest, others called it quite extreme and alleged media play.
"Ador is the root of all not hybe. why are these fans blaming hybe when mhj is the only one doing all these mediaplay. gosh" - said a netizen
"Like MHJ like fans :/ they’re so weird" - said another netizen
"It was a very stupid and wasteful act. No one wants to destroy ADOR as much as that evil woman." - said an X user
"Tokkis may have taken over the title from ARMY and BLINKs as most delusional fandom out there it's actually insane what we're witnessing." - said a netizen on X.
Everything about the feud between HYBE and NewJeans' agency, ADOR
HYBE and ADOR's feud began when HYBE audited the latter on suspicion of a power struggle. During the audit, HYBE found alleged pieces of evidence that pointed towards ADOR's intentions to become an independent company or take over HYBE.
This feud soon became a legal battle, and the parent company and its subsidiary have been accusing each other of various things since April 2024. HYBE accused ADOR's CEO, Min Hee-jin, of having connections with a shaman, spreading misinformation on the internet, and leaking confidential documents, among other things.
Min Hee-jin called out HYBE for its mistreatment towards NewJeans, lack of compensation for the ADOR CEO for the band's commercial success, slave contract, and more. At the end of the legal battle, ADOR and Min Hee-jin were proven innocent due to the lack of evidence from HYBE.
While the two agencies legally sorted out their issues, HYBE and ADOR are still reportedly cold towards each other. Given that there has been no news of reconciliation between ADOR and HYBE, fans have also been divided over the situation.
One set of netizens has been calling HYBE out for its mistreatment and mismanagement of ADOR and NewJeans. Meanwhile, the other side has been arguing that ADOR's CEO, Min Hee-jin, was the root cause of the recent issues.