On Friday, May 10, Xikers' Seeun took to his Bubble account to share a recent anecdote with his fans. The incident took place during one of SEVENTEEN's concerts and the idol was crossing by that area after leaving a fansign event.
However, the singer stated that when he crossed the concert venue, many people mistook him for a SEVENTEEN member and began to cheer for him.
"So everyone was cheering and greeting me," he explained.
The misrecognition most likely happened since Seeun was wearing makeup and was riding in a Kia Carnival, a car mostly used by K-pop idols while traveling during their tours.
However, since many people were convinced he was a SEVENTEEN member, he felt he had to safeguard the group's reputation. Since shutting the window without any response to the fans gathered around would be considered rude, he pretended to be a member of Pledis Entertainment's boy band and greeted the fans.
Though it has been a while since the incident, the idol felt the need to apologize for pretending to be a member of the group. Regardless, fans found both the incident and his apology hilarious.
Xikers' Seeun apologizes to fans for pretending to be a SEVENTEEN member
On May 10, rookie K-pop idol Xikers' Seeun took to his Bubble account to talk to his fans. However, he soon began to share an anecdote that supposedly revolved around him pretending to be a SEVENTEEN member.
He explained that he was returning from a fan signing event and was headed to start a YouTube livestream.
On his way back, he chose to keep the windows down since he liked it better that way. However, he didn't realize that SEVENTEEN held their concert the very same day and when he passed by the venue, many people mistook him for a SEVENTEEN member.
"So there was a day when it SEVENTEEN sunbaenim's concert. There were a lot (of people). I had my makeup done and I was riding in a [Kia] Carnival so people mistook me as one of the Seventeen sunbaemins. So everyone was cheering and greeting me."
He then added that he wanted to close the window to avoid fans from misunderstanding. However, since people might still think he's a SEVENTEEN member and mistake his behavior for the group members' behavior, Seeun chose to play along.
However, his guilt didn't allow the fact to be hidden any longer. Therefore, the idol apologized for the same through his Bubble account.
"It was either I close the window... but then if I close the window, fans would think that it was Seventeen Sunbaenim who was closing the window. And as a great fan of Seventeen, I couldn't tarnish their reputation... so I greeted everyone... I'm sorry...," he said.
On the other hand, the idol and his team, Xikers, have been active in several other ways. The K-pop group is currently rolling out their world tour, Tricky House, in Europe. Additionally, Seeun has also been proving his stance as a SEVENTEEN fan with his MAESTRO TikTok dance challenge.
However, given that it was a genuine mishap, Xikers' Seeun also apologized for the incident and fans find the whole series of events hilarious.