Family by Choice, a K-drama helmed by director Kim Seung-ho, debuted on October 9, 2024, and is available for streaming on Rakuten Viki. This 16-episode series features Hwang In-youp, Jung Chae-yeon, Bae Hyun-sung, and Choi Won-young and is based on the 2020 Chinese drama Go Ahead.
The plot revolves around three teens, who, despite not being biologically related, create a close-knit family as they navigate life’s trials. Following a challenging childhood and years apart, they reunite, confronting lingering emotional scars from their past.
The creators of Family by Choice have not announced or hinted at a second season yet. Moreover, as the drama is a remake of a Chinese drama with just one season, the possibility of a second season seems scarce.
Family by Choice episode 15-16 recap: A happy ending?
In episode 15 of Family by Choice, after listening to San-ha speak about dating Ju-won, Dae-wook seems happy but Jung-jae looks visibly upset. He disapproves of the two and leaves. Both Dae-wook and Ju-won try to speak to Jung-jae, trying to convince him but to no avail.
San-ha visits Jung-jae and promises to keep Ju-won happy but Jung-jae is not convinced. Hae-jun asks So-hyeon if she could move to their neighborhood.
While San-ha tries to surprise Ju-won, taken aback, she pushes him and he gets bruises on his forehead and waist. Jung-jae comes running to the hospital to check on him. Meanwhile, Hae-jun meets Dal and tells her that he thinks of her as a younger sister.
Dae-wook gets a basket of fruits as Jung-jae's possible future in-law but sees him holding So-hyeon, stopping her from falling. So-hyeon meets Jung-jae and thanks the neighborhood grandmother for her care.
In this episode of Family by Choice, Dal gets yelled at by her mother for canceling her blind dates. Dal starts crying, having just been rejected by Hae-jun and blames her mother for always putting her down.
While talking to a patient, San-ha realizes the need to speak to his mother. He calls her and tells her that he has something to talk about. Much to Ju-won's surprise, Jeong-hui shows up at her restaurant and asks her to leave San-ha since they do not really love each other and are mistaken.
Ju-won stays up all night working and develops a mild fever. She does not disclose her conversation with Jeong-hui when San-ha asks if something is wrong. Dal meets Hae-jun at the restaurant and tells him that she does not need him to be her elder brother.
San-ha, having had a new realization, meets his mother and asks for forgiveness for pretending he was fine. He tells her that she also deserves to be happy and that he always hoped she would. Meanwhile, Ju-won meets Jung-jae and asks what love is. Knowing that Jung-jae felt the same way for her mother as she feels for San-ha puts her at ease.
In episode 16 of Family by Choice, San-ha visits Jung-jae again and tells him that he only intends to have a normal life with Ju-won and would never worry her. Jung-jae decides to give his approval this time.
Hae-jun meets So-hyeon and realizes that she has a soft spot for Jung-jae. He discusses this with Ju-won. Remembering how she had opposed their marriage when she was little, she apologizes for it. While brainstorming plans, they see Dal outside the restaurant with another man. Ju-won tells Hae-jun that Dal has been set up for another blind date, but this time, by a friend.
As Hae-jun sulks in a corner, San-ha walks in and seeing the situation, asks the man for a friendly basketball match. As San-ha and Hae-jun team up, Seok-hun joins the other team. After the man loses, Hae-jun politely asks if he can take away Dal. Confessing his feelings, he asks Dal to date him and she agrees.
Dae-wook asks Jung-jae if So-hyeon is moving in with him. Jung-jae tells him that So-hyeon does not want people talking about Hae-jun anymore and would prefer not to make anyone uncomfortable.
Thinking about the old days, Dae-wook calls Jeong-hui to tell her about San-ha dating. Still a little bitter, she informs him that So-hee wants to go to the UK to study and that she is moving along with her.
Hui-ju decides to give up on Hae-jun, seeing how he looks at Dal. Ju-won talks about applying for a program supporting small owners. She tells him about how much she struggled to open the bakery and make it a success. San-ha comforts her and promises to stay by her side going forward.
The next day, San-ha and Ju-won tease Hae-jun for going on long walks with Dal. Later, Ju-won meets So-hyeon and tells her that she would love it if So-hyeon became her mother. In the last episode of Family by Choice, So-hyeon decides to meet Jung-jae.
At the restaurant, she tells him that she will do her best to learn to become a wife. Jung-jae promises that she will not need to learn anything new and that being there is enough.
San-ha decides to go along with So-hee and Jeong-hui to drop them off while the rest prepare for Jung-jae's wedding. On the day before the wedding, San-ha stops picking up calls. Hae-juna asks Ju-won to stop worrying and get the wedding rings from his apartment.
As she is looking for the rings, San-ha enters and the two end up spending the night there. The next day, Hae-jun goes to check up on Ju-won and finds San-ha in his room, trying to hide Ju-won. The three then go to the wedding where only close family and friends are the attendees. As they click pictures after the ceremony, the last episode of Family by Choice concludes.
Possibility of Family by Choice season 2
The story of Family by Choice ends on a happy note with Ju-won, San-ha, and Hae-jun having found one another again. As for the rest of the characters, such as Jung-jae, Dae-wook, and Park Dal, they are also provided with a happy ending. With little room left for any questions to arise further or the need for the story to develop further, a second season seems unlikely.
The production team has also not hinted at any such possibility. The original drama, from which Family by Choice is adapted, does not have a second season either.
The series is available to stream on Rakuten Viki.