The drama adaptation of the Korean movie and novel, Love in the Big City, aired on October 21, 2024. Starring Nam Yoon-su, Jin Ho-eun, Na Hyun-woo, and Kwon Hyuk, the eight-part series focuses on the same-gender love story of Go Young, who is HIV-positive. The drama's romantic and intimate scenes have sent viewers into an internet frenzy.
Episode 4 shows an intimate scene between Go Young (Nam Yoon-su) and No Young-su (Na Hyun-woo). The K-drama actors were lauded by fans for their realistic portrayal of two men being in love. Global viewers flooded social media discussing the scene and praising their acting skills.
One user wrote on X:
"OMG, Oh God, forgive me for liking this."
Netizens joked that they would send the particular scene to other K-drama actors to improve their kissing scenes. Some viewers highlighted how the scene from Love in the Big City was a movement in itself against the prejudices and stigma around the LGBTQIA+ friendly shows in South Korea.
"Need to send this to every kdrama actor, like this is how you kiss," an X user wrote.
"In misogynistic and h*mophobic South Korea, #LoveInTheBigCity's passionate depictions of love and desire between men is more than just hot fan service. It's a political challenge to heteropatriarchal domination of the media. This is #BL at its finest," another netizen commented.
"This kiss hits different. The kiss was slow, each touch was deliberate, leaving a trail of desire, drawing them closer as the kiss deepened," another netizen added.
Some netizens further praised the cinematography and direction of the scene and lauded both the Love in the Big City cast and the filming crew.
"Knets crying shaking throwing up probabely i love it," one X user said.
"I finished this scene just now...dayummm they ATEEE I need to have a break a bit," another X user added.
"This scene is flawless, so beautiful and romantic. The whole episode is amazing. The dialogues, the dynamic, the cinematography, setting….have changed for the best, and I really like it," another netizen wrote.
Love in the Big City drama adaptation wins the hearts of global viewers for its immersive plot and direction
For the unversed, Love in the Big City is based on the globally bestselling novel by Sang Young Park and translated by Anton Hur. The drama focuses on the lead's journey of finding his true self as he meets different men in various phases of his life and falls in love. The film version with the same name, starring Kim Go-eun and Noh Sang-hyun, was released on October 8, 2024.
The drama adaptation of Love in the Big City shows how Go Young met Kim Nam-gyu (Kwon Hyuk), a professional photographer, when he was in college. However, their relationship ended as Go Young wanted a wild and carefree partner while Nam-gyu's maturity and love were too boring for him.
Later, he crossed paths with No Young-su (Na Hyun-woo), a philosophy researcher. Go Young's whirlwind romance with Young-su ends tragically, as the latter was not ready to commit or announce his sexuality to the world. This pushes Go Young to the edge, where he attempts to end his life.
After a tumultuous experience in love, Go Young met Shim Gyu-ho (Jin Ho-eun) more than a year later after his s*icide attempt. He immediately fell for Gyu-ho, and the latter stuck by Go Young's side through thick or thin for over 3 years. However, Go Young pushed Gyu-ho away with his nagging, mistreatment, and more. It took Gyu-ho's departure for China for Go Young to realize his worth.
Love in the Big City is a painful yet realistic reflection of love in the real world. The show has 8 episodes and is streaming on TVING and Rakuten Viki.