Recently, The two Single's Inferno 4 contestants, Bae Ji-yeon and Kim Te-hwan garnered attention for their chemistry. On Tuesday, January 21, episode 5 & 6 of the Netflix reality dating show was released, revealing an intriguing set of events between the contestants. One of the moments that fans couldn't stop talking about was the bonding between Bae Ji-yeon and Kim Te-hwan.
During one of the scenes, the two contestants were seated opposite each other while having a few drinks. At one point, Te-hwan asked her how long she had been wearing contact lenses, assuming that she talked about this earlier.
However, Ji-yeon said that she'd never talked about it before and grew a little upset since she thought that Te-hwan was confusing her with someone else.
Te-hwan explained that he was just guessing and not mixing her up with anyone else. Fans soon realised that it was just his effort to make her feel like he noticed things about her.
Despite the incident going south, many fans and netizens felt a spark between the two contestants. They also took note of the two spending more time with each other during the latest Single's Inferno 4 episodes.
To fans' delight, episode 6 ended with the two being paired up to go to Paradise together. Since many have been rooting for the couple, they were thrilled about the same and naturally grew curious as to what the pair held in store for them.
Additionally, fans also expressed that there wasn't much screen time for the two together in the show, and demanded the same for the upcoming episodes.
Here are a few fan reactions regarding the same:
"Their spark. like That, silly dog and his Beauty owner. But GIVE US MORE SCREEN TIME LAAAA !!!!"
"the way he held her hand after was cute though so I'll take my wins where I can get them" said a fan on X
"i really like them they seriously deserve more screen time" added another fan
"tehwan making a mistake just to show he is attentive towards her. but the attempt was a failure lol." commented a netizen
More fans and netizens talked about they were really excited about the two Single's Inferno 4 contestants and are intrigued about the potential they hold together.
"ugh thank god we have JIYEON AND TEHWAN FINALLY GOING TO PARADISE, they are SO CUTE TOGETHER amongst the other entangled and messy couples" stated a fan
"I was damn bored till ep4 cause omfg I see the potential with tehwan and jiyeon, let them cook!!!" added an X user
"that's it y'all after this week's eps i'm only watching this show for tehwan & jiyeon the others are boring" said a netizen
"It can't be that I have to wait a week to see more of Tehwan and Jiyeon, it's killing me" commented another X user
All you need to know about Netflix's reality dating show sequel, Single's Inferno 4
Single's Inferno is a South Korean Netflix realty dating show that kickstarted in 2021. The show revolves around gathering a group of nine single contestants, both male and female, to spend time with each other on a deserted islanded. Their only escape from the island and its limited resouses is when the contestants make a couple.
The couples who had chosen each other would go on date nights on another island called Paradise, where luxury and resourses overflow. At the end of show, some go home with their new-found partner while other return single. The tension between the contestants on finding a pair and their competition with one another becomes the hooking point of the show.
After three successful seasons, Single's Inferno has rolled out their fouth season, revealing an exciting and intriguing group of contestants. This season, the contestants are Yuk Jun-seo, Jung Tae-oh, Kim Te-hwan, Kwon Ki-ha, Ahn Sung-hoon, Hong Sung-ho, Lee Si-an, Kim Min-seol, and Kim Hye-jin.
While fans are still unsure about the contestants and what they have in store for them, the progression of Single's Inferno 4 naturally has people are thrilled to see the couples that result from this season.