On Thursday, June 14, fans spotted a Gucci gift bag in front of the HYBE building, intended for BTS' Jin to celebrate the idol's discharge from the military. While fans thought it was a cute and honorable gesture from the luxury fashion brand, they also couldn't help but suspect a partnership between the two parties.
Given that luxury brands don't send extravagant gifts to celebrities unless they are the brands' ambassadors, fans immediately began to suspect that Jin might be the upcoming brand ambassador for the luxury fashion brand Gucci. While these gifts laid outside HYBE were proof enough ARMYs to speculate rumors on the idol's new ambassadorship, they also found more hints leading to the same.
For the 2024 BTS Festa, the idol was seen wearing three outfits. When images of these outfits landed on the internet, eagle-eyed fans pointed out that several pieces worn by the idol were by Gucci. Since idols often soft-launch their ambassadorship by wearing pieces from the brand at public events, fans think that the same might be true for Seokjin's case.
Here's how fans reacted when they saw Gucci's gifts for the idol and his adorning pieces from Gucci's collection.
Oh JIN as Gucci ambassador I SEE THE VISION - said a fan on X
I think it's happening and our ambassador jin is coming to show what relevance means - said another fan on X
On the other hand, fans also think that Gucci is trying to court the idol for a partnership, collaboration, or ambassadorship.
Oh they already trying to snag him before any other brand does I'm laughing so hard - said a fan on X
My man is gonna get courted by all the big brands just watch omg - added another fan on X
Damn they’re really trying to secure that collab - said another X user
Speculations of BTS Seokjin's ambassadorship with Gucci surface as the luxury brand sends extravagant gifts to HYBE, congratulating the idol's discharge
On June 12, following the completion of the idol's mandatory military service, Jin was discharged. The idol enlisted in the military in December 2022 and served 18 months as an active drill instructor. Immediately after his return, the idol has been quite active in the industry.
He not only rolled out a Weverse livestream immediately after his military discharge but also the 2024 BTS Festa event on June 13. The event was organized to celebrate the group's 11th debut anniversary. Due to the absence of the other BTS members, the idol planned a light hug event where he hugged 1000 ARMYs who were randomly selected through a raffle.
The hug event was followed by a show where the idol performed songs, challenges, talked with fans, etc. During the event, many fans noticed that the idol was wearing Gucci loafers. However, they didn't think much of it since it's common for idols to wear luxury brands. But when fans spotted gifts for the idol from Gucci, congratulating him on his military discharge, rumors began to spread.
Though it might not be uncommon for luxury brands to send gifts to celebrities, fans were surprised and intrigued by the brand's attention to detail. They not only used purple balloons, the color that symbolizes the relationship between ARMYs and BTS, but also made a Wootteo-inspired cake for the idol.
Wootteo is a character made for the idol's debut song, The Astronaut. Additionally, the words "Gucci *Heart* Jin" were also printed on the cake, further motivating the rumors. However, given that no announcement regarding the same has been made, fans are patiently awaiting it.