On June 21, 2024, Spotify dropped the latest interview featuring BLACKPINK Jennie and Billie Eilish on their official YouTube channel. The South Korean singer interviewed the American singer and songwriter Billie Eilish at a listening session for the latter's third studio album HIT ME HARD AND SOFT, held at Théâtre des Lumières, Seoul, South Korea, on June 18, 2024.
During the interview, BLACKPINK Jennie asked Billie Eilish about the most surprising act from the fans since her latest record was dropped. In response, the Lunch singer stated:
"I mean, its' all been surprising. I feel like, I'm always surprised by what does well. And like what doesn't? I think, people's love for like the song 'Love of My Life' L'amour de Ma Vie is like, that one surprised me. I kind of thought that would be the sleeper of the album. I thought people would not care about that one, and they do, and that's cool."
The host, Jennie, correlated with Eilie Billish's message and replied with an assuring remark. She said:
"I always love when the fans go for the song that you least expect from the album."

BLACKPINK's Jennie and Billie Eilish conversed about the creative freedom behind the latest album and more
The HIT ME HARD AND SOFT interview began as Jennie and Billie Eilish shared a hug. The female idol began the conversation by asking the Lunch singer about her mother's favorite track from the latest record. In response, Billie Eilish stated that her mother preferred The Greatest and Diner from her third studio album and confessed that she liked the whole thing.
BLACKPINK Jennie further questioned how the American singer felt when fans from different countries, cultures, and sections of society tune into her music, such as Korean fans showcasing tremendous support for her latest album. In response, Billie Eilish stated:
"It translates, and it's like one of my favorite things in the world, is to like to speak and talk to someone where neither of us speaks the same language, but you bond over something, and I think that music is one of those things, and I feel like I've met so many, like, kids that like, are a fan of mine that we don't even speak the same language and that's so amazing."
She elaborated that it was like the most pure form of connection. The singer confessed that it was cool every time she did a show here, and watched everybody sing every word and cited it as amazing that someone outside of her state knew about her identity.
Jennie asked the singer what made her most excited and nervous about the record. In response, Billie Eilish confessed that she was excited about the release of the entire album and for the people to hear the tracks, including The Greatest and Skinny, about their songwriting and melodies.
However, the singer assured that she loved the album equally. The singer stated she was nervous about the whole thing since the record showcased her vulnerable side.
Jennie also questioned what made her incorporate her track True Blue in her latest record, HIT ME HARD AND SOFT. In response, Billie Eilish stated:
"Well, it was just like in the vault for years. And the original version of 'True Blue,' you know, Finneas and I made when I was about 14 and he was like 18 or 19. I know, and we just never ended up doing anything with it.
She further added:
And then, I think it just kind of got lost in the archives, and then like, in 2022, I was just, I think it got like leaked on TikTok or something, and people started talking about it. And I was annoyed at first, and then I was like... I just kinda think this is kinda good."
Billie Eilish further stated that she and Finneas talked about it and were like 'Yeah! We Should revisit that song' and then decided to change it and stated, 'Make it more, kind of, us now.' Hence, they rewrote the verse and then added the song called Born Blue, which they also made years ago, and then turned it into one song called Blue.
The SOLO singer asked about Billie Eilish's favorite memories when she filmed the Chihiro music video. She responded that filming the MV with her friend Nat was one of her cherished memories from the shooting, as she was comfortable.
Jennie further inquired about Billie Eilish's creative freedom behind the album. In response, she replied:
"I'm inspired by things all the time, you know? We had so many little, gadgets and toys we were using to make the album that we'd never used before, that made us really inspired. Like the little things where you press a button and it makes a weird little noise, or you record yourself, and then you pitch it down, or, you speed it up or, you, whatever.
She continued:
Those were so weird and different, and they gave us so many ideas, and so I feel like, we got ideas from getting more ideas, you know? Once we started being a little more experimental, it just kept flowing and going."
Billie Eilish also answered that the favorite part of producing her album was that she realized that her vocals had gotten stronger over the years since she started producing. She also confessed that HIT ME HARD AND SOFT helped her get out of her comfort zone. The American singer said that she loves singing Wildflower and What I Know by Parachute in her car.

The K-pop idol also asked about what kind of differences the Lunch singer felt while recording her third studio album and how it was contrary to her previous record.
In response, Billie Eilish stated that this was the first time she recorded an album being an adult and that she had recorded all of her previous releases as a teenager. She faced multiple challenges as she navigated the path of self-discovery, confusion, and dilemma while making the album with her brother.
The interview further included the questions asked by multiple fans at the Spotify event, to which Billie Eilish responded proactively. The listening session concluded, and the duo once again hugged each other.
Meanwhile, Billie Eilish and BLACKPINK Jennie's latest interaction had fans requesting for a music collaboration on social media.