On January 1, 2025, the Chinese actor Zhao Lusi broke her silence about the abuse allegations through the official Weibo account. She shared a post titled, 'First and Last Response to Recent Events, Apologies for taking up public resources.' Through the update, the female artist opened up about being the victim of violence from childhood to adulthood. She added, as translated by X user @itsmejodiiii:
"During extracurricular tutoring, I was beaten in the teacher’s dormitory. At the time, I thought it was right to be punished because I wasn’t good at studying. I didn’t dare speak out because I was taught to “always find the problem within yourself. When I grew up, I was beaten again for not securing an acting role. "
Zhao Lusi further stated that she thought it was her fault, so she did not raise her voice. At that time, she had the habit of handling her problems alone and never reached out for assistance/help. However, when her works gained recognition, she gathered the courage to bid adieu to the people who harmed and hurt her.
For those unversed, the Hidden Love actress was rushed to hospital on December 18, 2024, followed by an unexpected crisis.
Zhao Lusi believed that depression as a condition was a disease
Zhao Lusi kick-started her statement, confessing that apart from her current hospitalization issue, she never let her illness affect her work or those close to her. However, she admitted having flaws and in the last month realized that she was not as forgiving as she thought.
She further emphasized the path of choosing one's own desired career. She added, as translated by X user @itsmejodiii:
"My career has brought me more help and support than I could have imagined. I am truly grateful and feel fortunate. This has helped me understand all the misunderstandings. I support anyone’s right to choose their desired career at any time because you always have the right to escape situations that bring suffering and exhaustion. You can stop anytime—you are free, and you can be brave."
Zhao Lusi resonated with everyone who faced injustice and grievances. The actor confessed that she had heard many horrifying stories of abuse.
She also strongly pointed out that forcing someone to reopen their wounds to prove “it’s not overthinking,” “it’s not weak resilience,” or “it’s not dissatisfaction” was absurd. She stated that only a doctor had the right to determine the severity of someone’s trauma or whether it qualifies as an illness.
Zhao Lusi confessed that she was fighting depression in 2019 and mentioned, as translated by X user @itsmejodiii:
"In 2019, I experienced depression. People told me, “Don’t overthink it” or “If you think positively, everything will be fine.” I also thought I was being dramatic and sensitive and didn’t take my mental health seriously."
She further explained:
"In 2021, I felt like bugs were crawling on me, like needles were pricking me, accompanied by allergies. After seeing doctors, getting medications, and receiving injections, the symptoms didn’t improve. I sought out a psychologist to help ease my anxiety."
The actress mentioned that she suffered from pneumonia, emphysema, pityriasis rosea, urticaria, night sweats, neurogenic hearing loss, and the loss of loved ones and cancer diagnoses among family members in 2023. All the aforementioned events happened in a short period which made her neglect her health.
However, the female artist continued to suffer from frequent dizziness, retching, joint pain, neck pain, and other physical symptoms in 2024. Initially, she thought it was only the negative effects of allergy-targeted medication.
Zhao Lusi added that in the end, the individual who harmed her demanded a massive 'break-up' fee for halting their manipulative behavior. She also mentioned that multiple defamation attempts were made against her from inside and outside of the entertainment industry. The process continued to deepen her problems.
She explained that she was grateful to her friends, family, and significant others for protecting her. Zhao Lusi wrote in the letter that she never tried to explain her side of the story as she felt it would result in "hype". However, she finished her statement with the following words:
"Depression is an emotion, but depression as a condition is a disease. It cannot simply be resolved by “thinking positively” or “talking it out.”
Zhao Lusi concluded the letter by emphasizing that one should free oneself from the endless cycle of proving oneself. She stated that prioritizing psychological treatment and mental health was of the utmost significance. She concluded the letter by sharing new year wishes:
"Regret is a useless emotion. Treat this as a “special time” to overturn inner conflicts and rebuild yourself. I am grateful to everyone who cares. Because of love, I get to live again."
Zhao Lusi is known for multiple dramas, including Hidden Love, Love Like The Galaxy, and other shows.