Renowned Korean singer Crush, also known as Shin Hyo-seob, recently shared a delightful and personal moment involving BTS and J-hope, during his appearance on MBC's Radio Star.
On December 11, 2024, Crush became the show's latest guest, where he opened up about his career and connection with BTS member J-Hope. The episode was filled with fascinating anecdotes, including one about him attending J-hope's family event.
Crush revealed that he had been personally invited by J-Hope to perform at the wedding of his elder sister, Jung Ji-woo. Reflecting on the experience, Crush humorously admitted that while performing, he couldn’t shake off the feeling that he was auditioning, especially since the entire BTS group was in attendance, watching him sing.
Despite the lack of actual pressure, Crush confessed that the situation felt nerve-wracking, considering the status of the septet's members. Fans were thrilled by this revelation, finding it both endearing and amusing.
He admitted, as translated by Koreaboo,
"I felt a bit of pressure."
The anecdote not only highlighted Crush’s close bond with J-Hope but also gave fans a glimpse into the personal moments outside their professional lives.
Crush reveals BTS and J-hope stories
Crush and J-Hope's collaborative track Rush Hour, released in September 2022, has achieved the milestone of surpassing 100 million streams on Spotify as of December 12, 2024.
Interestingly, the timing of this accomplishment coincided perfectly with Crush’s appearance on MBC's Radio Star, where he shared behind-the-scenes stories and personal anecdotes, including moments with J-Hope and his fellow band members. These revelations made fans of both artists even more excited.
Crush revealed that he had been personally invited by J-Hope to perform at the wedding of his elder sister, Jung Ji-woo, which took place in May 2021. Reflecting on the experience, the singer-songwriter humorously admitted that while performing, he felt like he was auditioning.
As translated by Koreaboo, he said,
"One day, J-Hope suddenly called me and said his sister, who was getting married, was a huge fan of mine. Although I felt a bit of pressure, I sang at the wedding, but it felt like an audition because all the BTS members were watching."
He even mentioned that Hobi gifted him an expensive jeweled microphone from Swarovski for his performance at the wedding. Furthermore, it was revealed that the gift was personally ordered by J-Hope. Talking about it, Crush said:
“This is made from all Swarovski. I use it a lot at concerts. Thanks, J-Hope.”