On Tuesday, November 19, KBS Kpop premiered the latest episode of their chat show LeeMujin Service, which featured BTS' Jin as a guest. Kim Seokjin appeared in episode 141 of LeeMujin Service, which was presented on KBS Kpop's main YouTube channel.
In the episode, BTS' Jin touched upon the topics related to his newly released solo album, HAPPY, his happiness, his military service, etc.
During the interview, he also spoke about his proactive approach to his projects. He elaborated on this, saying:
“When I was in the army, I sketched my emotions. I performed the next day after I was discharged from the military. I was busy preparing for fan meeting. So I said I wanted to prepare the album after fan meeting. So I listen 1,000 songs after the concert.”
He went on to talk about his latest songs released as part of his debut solo album, HAPPY.
“There's a song I sang with Wendy from Red Velvet. Except for the two songs, I make direction of music that I want to do this theme and lyrics. This is how I decided it.”- Jin added.
BTS' Jin revealed his forgotten passion for pursuing an acting career
During the conversation, he revealed his unrealized interest in being an actor. He also added that he is happy being a singer now.
“I really wanted to become an actor then because I hadn’t tried being an actor or an idol singer then. In the end though, for me, being a singer and an idol is such a lovely and fun job. The dreams I once had of becoming an actor are now forgotten. I’m happy as a singer.”
He additionally touched on the car-drifting stunt he executed in his most recent Running Wild music video. He stated that his team was granted permission to use the street in Los Angeles. In the Running Wild MV, BTS' Jin drove a Mustang.
“We got a permit to use a street in LA. They wanted me to drive like I was dodging something . Luckily, I am the best driver. So I was doing quick turns like this and the director said "Hey hey, seriously, I don't want to die. Don't do it like that plz" So I said " Wasn't this want u wanted?" And they were like "No we meant u just pretend"
He said that he wanted his stunt to look more realistic:
“So I said Isn't this way better with more realistic feel into it? Then he said "Oh no help! Save me!"
Moreover, when the host, Lee Mu-jin, questioned what happiness looked like for Jin, the idol replied that watching people smile made him happy.
BTS' Jin gave a Super Tuna lesson to Lee Mu-jin during the show. Besides, he also gave a live performance of his new solo tracks from his album HAPPY, namely Running Wild, Falling, and I’ll Be There.