A video of SEVENTEEN's Jeonghan at the group's recent fan sign event has been going viral. In the clip, the idol was spotted interacting with a fan, who asked him, jokingly, not to enlist in the military. Given that the idol's mandatory enlistment is scheduled to be sometime this year, the news has constantly been in the minds of CARATs.
The fan also told the idol how a bunny, Jeonghan's representative animal, can serve in the military. However, given that the idol is quite sarcastic and unserious, he replied in his own way. He said that if he doesn't go to the military then he'll have to go to jail since it's illegal to avoid military service.
"If I don't go, I will have to go to jail."
Following the video's landing on the internet, fans have been hilariously reacting to the same.
SEVENTEEN's Jeonghan garners attention for his unserious response to a fan's request for him not to leave for the military
Recently, SEVENTEEN released their latest compilation album, 17 Is Right Here. The album was rolled out on April 29 and it is one of the two comebacks the group has planned for 2024. The comeback was naturally well-received by the masses, especially since it celebrated the musical journey of the group.
Following the release, the group has been rolling out several promotional content, including their ongoing fan sign event. These events allow fans and the SEVENTEEN members to interact face-to-face, as they get their albums' personally signed by each of the members. This also gives fans time to shortly interact with the K-pop idols.
A recent interaction between SEVENTEEN's Jeonghan and a fan during one of these events had netizens laughing. Since it was recently announced that the idol will be enlisting sometime this year, the fan naturally and jokingly asked him not to enlist in the military, since CARATs will miss him a lot. Here's what the fan said:
"Oppa, don’t enlist in the military. How can a bunny defend the country. Oppa, can’t you not go?"
While the idol initially replied in a sweet tone, saying that he had no choice but to go, he then switched to his sassy tone. As he held the fan's hand, he unseriously stated that if he didn't go, he'd be put in jail. When fans came across this video, they couldn't help but laugh at the same. They also thought it was the most Jeonghan way to reply to such a question.
On the other hand, SEVENTEEN has quite a lot in store for the fans in the coming months. Though they only recently released their compilation album which held the song, MAESTRO, as its title track, the group is also expected to make another comeback later this year.
The album is also expected to consist of all the members and will most likely release the kickstart of the members' military enlistment. Given that the eldest member and leader, S.Coups, was exempted from the military due to his ligament tear, Jeonghan will be the first member to enlist from SEVENTEEN.