On August 29, 2024, Disney+ aired the fifth episode of Are You Sure?!, the travel series featuring BTS members Jimin and Jungkook. The series also includes a guest appearance from Taehyung, who joined the duo starting in the third episode during their adventures in Jeju Island, South Korea.
At the end of the recently released fifth episode, the trio's time on Jeju Island comes to a close, with Jimin and Jungkook preparing to head to Sapporo, Japan, for the final episodes.
The two bid farewell to Taehyung, reminiscing about how being together made them feel like kids again, especially since they are the youngest members of BTS. Jungkook remarked that the experience was even more enjoyable with Taehyung's presence.
"Anyway, it was great. It was better because taehyungie hyung (V) was here."
Kim Taehyung further shook the other two member's hands, saying that it was an honor. The golden maknae (nickname for Jungkook) also added that while he loves all the BTS members, the trip was especially fun because he was with the younger members.
Jokingly, Jimin asked if RM was listening while acting as if he was on call, to which the Seven singer replied that it didn’t matter. Both Jungkook and Taehyung expressed how much they appreciated each other’s company during the trip.
BTS' members Jungkook, Jimin, and Taehyung bid playful adieu to Jeju in Are You Sure?!
The trio shared heartfelt moments, with the Love Me Again singer expressing that it had been a while since they had traveled so freely, making him feel younger again.
Jimin agreed, admitting that being with his fellow members brought back a sense of youthful energy. Taehyung playfully noted that Jimin seemed to have regained his youth, to which the Serendipity singer humorously responded that he felt seven years younger.
Before wrapping up their stay in Jeju, the trio decided to conclude the episode with a playful twist. They humorously looked into the camera, bobbing their heads and introducing themselves in a quirky manner.
Taehyung and Jimin kicked things off, with the youngest joining in with a slight mix-up in his introduction, as he introduced himself as KJ instead of the usual 'JK'. Realizing the mix-up, they all shared a chuckle and expressed their gratitude to the viewers for following their journey.
The episodes featuring the trio were thoroughly enjoyed by fans, with a mix of activities like climbing, swimming, and go-karting that made their journey memorable. The final episodes of Are You Sure?! are set to be released as follows:
- Episode 6: September 5, 2024
- Episode 7: September 12, 2024
- Episode 8: September 19, 2024
Jimin and Jungkook recorded Are You Sure?! before beginning their mandatory military service in December 2023, ensuring new content for fans during their time away. Both of them, along with the other BTS members, are anticipated to return in 2025.