On Friday, May 24, a netizen posted an alleged picture of RIIZE's Seunghan walking with a school bag on the Korean community platform, Pann Nate. Previously, there were speculations about the idol joining a cram school to retake his entrance exam to join a university for higher studies.
While this information would be considered normal since several K-pop idols pursue education alongside their career, his alleged decision to join a university amid his indefinite hiatus sparked speculations that the idol might've been kicked out of RIIZE. Following the breakout of a series of controversies, Seunghan entered an indefinite hiatus.
Though fans have been advocating for his return, the K-pop boy group not only released two comebacks but is also currently rolling out their first world tour. As Seunghan's presence in the group continues to subside without any explanation from SM Entertainment, fans are naturally worried and skeptical about his return.
The recent news of his alleged return to academics only fueled these worries and speculations. Here's how fans reacted to the alleged evidence of the K-pop idol attending cram school:
"I wanna be delulu but i saw a video today where it said Seunghan is joining cram school idk how true that is but i am scared," said a fan on X.
"Sorry not sorry I will not be consuming one single second of any new RIIZE content or their new music, especially with the new rumors,"added an X user.
"WDYM seunghan is rumored to leave riize and attend uni," said another X user.
On the other hand, people also don't believe that it is the idol in the alleged picture or that it alludes to him attending cram school.
"Let that boy breath. PLEASE he hasn't spoken for 6 months but u're making sentences by ur own wishes," said a X user.
"People will only try to make people believe that’s he left/is leaving while we all know that a lot of idols are still studying while promoting," added another fan on X.
"A backpack isnt enough proof. where did they get this from like how did this rumor start," added another fan.
Fans divided as alleged evidence of RIIZE's Seunghan attending cram school lands on the internet
On May 24, following the land of RIIZE Seunghan's picture where he's seen carrying a backpack, netizens have been quite divided about the same.
On one hand, people who take the picture as alleged evidence of the idol going to cram school and retaking university entrance exams have been angered.
Given that this adds to the ongoing doubts of whether the idol has departed RIIZE or not, fans have been expressing their anger over the same and have been demanding a proper update about the idol's stance in the group from SM Entertainment. On the other hand, a huge majority of people also don't believe that the picture is enough proof to indicate that the idol is attending cram school.
Since the picture only showcases him in a backpack, fans believe that it doesn't allude to anything. Fans were rather concerned about the invasion of the idol's privacy yet again when an anonymous netizen posted a picture of him without his consent during his private outing.
They also expressed that certain netizens have been uploading random pictures with attached rumors on the singer's departure to further push the idea of him not being a part of RIIZE anymore. Given that no official statement or legitimate proof of Seunghan's departure has landed on the internet, fans have been requesting netizens to leave the idol alone and stop invading his privacy.
Additionally, fans have also been advocating for the idol amid his silence. Given that the singer hasn't and can't make statements during his hiatus, fans have been asking people to wait till he makes his own statement about his position in RIIZE.