South Korean actor Lee Min-ho has garnered attention online due to an alleged video of him smoking on the street. On December 11, a video emerged on X, where a man is seemingly seen smoking cigarettes on the street. The user @min2y11, who shared the video claimed it to be the Boys Over Flowers star Lee Min-ho, although his face was not clearly visible.
The clip sparked debate online among netizens regarding smoking in public premises. Many Korean netizens criticized the actor for smoking on the street according to Pannchoa. On the other hand, fans on X defended Lee Min-ho highlighting that he is a grown individual and has the right to choose what he wants to do.
“He is not smoking in the ,streets’ of korea while walking or so but in a smoking area where others also smoke.. it’s not a crime lol.”- a fan said
“Koreans really are insane they get mad if someone smokes on the street and they get mad if someone smokes inside what is your problem?”- another fan said
“You people are a joke seriously! Along with all those who post anything and everything just for the sake of views and likes. Use the minimum of brain you have once in a while…wouldn’t hurt. The only ones who’s embarrassing themselves here are you people!”- a user stated
Many fans mentioned that Lee Min-ho was not violating any rules but it is not confirmed whether the area was an assigned smoking zone or not.
“A 37 yr old man is smoking in a designated area, big deal??? or just because it's LMH???”- a fan stated.
“It is impossible to do this in a non-smoking place. He is a person who respects all laws. Leave him alone,”- a user reacted.
“Seriously? I knew everyone who is jealous of him will make this into a big deal. Get a life...and leave my man alone!”- another user reacted.
Meanwhile, some netizens expressed their disappointment in the Pachinko actor on the platform Pannchoa.
“Disappointed but not surprised,”- a netizen on pannchoa.
“I hate this so much,”- a netizen wrote.
“Isn't this a dedicated smoking area? > I just hate anyone smoking in the streets,”- another netizen said.
Lee Min-ho's Netflix drama When The Stars Gossip featuring Gong Hyo-jin, & more
South Korean actor Lee Min-ho is gearing up for the release of his drama titled When The Stars Gossip. It features actors like Gong Hyo-jin, Oh Jung-se, Han Ji-eun, and Kim Joo-hun. In this Netflix drama, he plays the role of Gong Ryong, OB-GYN, who goes to a space station with a secret mission as a tourist. Gong Ryong is a potential candidate to be the son-in-law of a renowned chaebol family.
At the space station, he meets Eve Kim, played by Gong Hyo-jin, an elite astronaut who has been appointed as the new commander. She is meticulous at her work and does not entertain any mistakes made by her crew members, given the dangerous environment of the space station.
When The Stars Gossip promises a blooming love story between Gong Ryong and Eve Kim who have opposite personalities. The show will capture their daily lives at the space station, including their clashes and small fights.
The series is set to air on January 4, 2025, on tvN and Netflix. Additionally, he will also lead the film Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint alongside Ahn Hyo-seop, BLACKPINK's Jisoo, Chae Soo-bin, and more.