South Korean webtoon artist Kian84, also known as Kim Hee-min, faced criticism from Korean netizens due to his alleged misogynistic comments. On January 16, 2025, Kian84 dropped a recent vlog on his YouTube channel featuring actress Seo Ji-seung, also the wife of his close friend Lee Si-eon.
While dropping Seo Ji-seung off at her workplace, the author and the actress were discussing breakfast. Kim Hee-min expressed his envy after learning that Seo Ji-seung prepared breakfast for actor Lee Si-seon. The actress then asked him if he ever thinks about having breakfast after his marriage. He replied,
“Men are obsessed with breakfast. The food isn't the problem, but I think it's because they make me feel like I'm being protected (by my wife).”
He went on to allegedly say that wives who do not make breakfasts for their husbands to the feeling that they are either having extramarital affairs with a bachelor or a younger man. He stated,
“If my wife doesn't make breakfast for me, wouldn't she go to the pool and cheat on me with a muscular bachelor? Or go to the gym and cheat on me with a young trainer?”
Seo Ji-seung was surprised to hear it and asked him if he had heard of such an incident before. To this, he responded that he had read about it in “scary” internet articles.
This has garnered attention online receiving criticism from netizens on the online forum TheQoo and feminists in South Korea. The netizens condemned his remarks about wives and also showcased their disappointment in him.
“Its disappointing,”- a netizen said
“I don't want to see this person's writing in the future,”- a fan said
“I'm not surprised because he seems like this kind of person,”- a netizen reacted
Kian48's fans also stated that they would stop watching his content as they were disappointed in him.
“Then all husbands who don't prepare meals for their wives are cheaters,”- a user reacted.
“It's really gross! It's not funny, it's not healthy, and I don't understand why it appears on so many broadcasts and gets so much attention. Are there really that few people like it?”- a netizen stated.
“I'll just ignore him now. He'll probably grow old alone and continue living like that anyway,”- a fan said.
Netizens continued to criticize him.
“No, I really don't understand why this guy appears so often,”- a user said.
“But why is it that only the husband wants to feel affection and protection while eating breakfast?? The wife also wants to feel affection and protection. The wife also grew up eating breakfast prepared by her mom and dad,”- a user added.
“It's so ridiculous I can't even speak…”- a netizen said.
Kian84's past controversial webtoon scene containing alleged misogynistic depiction
Kim Hee-min's webtoon titled Return to School, which was unveiled in 2020 garnered attention from netizens for scenes showcasing alleged misogynistic content. According to The Korea Times, one of the readers signed a petition on the Blue House National Petition Bulletin Board reportedly complaining about the scene. They wrote,
“I saw a ridiculous scene in (Kian84's) webtoon where the main character has s*x with a team leader at a large corporation who is 20 years older than her and gets hired by the company.”
Later, Kian84 issued an apology due to the incident. He stated,
“I apologize for causing concern with the inappropriate depiction in my work.”
Meanwhile, Kian84 is known for his work as a writer in The Fashion King and Webtoon Hero - Tundra Show. He is also known for his appearance as the main cast in the variety show I Live Alone, Music Adventure by Accident, and more. He is set to release his variety show titled Kian's Bizarre B&B in 2025.