On January 22, 2024, @Mickey17Movie X's account dropped a video featuring Robert Pattinson taking a Personal Color Test in South Korea while promoting his much-anticipated film Mickey 17. The movie was helmed and penned by Bong Joon-ho, the director behind the internationally acclaimed Parasite. The video showcased the Hollywood actor carrying a serious expression as the female staff removed colorful fabrics one by one. After the final fabric, he burst into laughter.
As the last cloth was removed, Robbert Pattinson left a huge smile after reading the below-mentioned words:
For those unfamiliar, a Personal Color Test or Personal Color Analysis is one of the famous services offered in South Korea. It helps individuals discover colors that will complement their natural traits/features. It includes analyzing skin tone, eye color, and hair color under the influence of natural light. It also helps people select clothing, accessories, and makeup that will highlight their natural visuals/beauty.
Subsequently, Robert Pattinson's video taking the Personal Color Test circulated on social media and went viral. Netizens expressed their excitement, and an X user tweeted:
"So they promo the film by placing him in increasingly strange situations!? Korean skincare & MBTI test next plz."
Fans also praised the marketing production of Western films directed by the Korean director Bong Joon-ho.
"robert pattinson flew to south korea and they made him do all sort of stuff who knew we would get him doing a personal color test," a fan reacted.
"korean marketing for western film always hits," a fan shared.
"the way he looks good with every color.. wheww," a fan commented.
Many fans talked about the serious expression carried by the Hollywood actor while participating in the Personal Color Test.
"never in my life did I anticipate watching Rob finding his color season," a user reacted.
"mickey 17 kind of won the game of promotion for movies coming out in march/april," a user shared.
"him being so serious during a color analysis is so unserious to me," a user commented.
More about Robert Pattinson's upcoming film Mickey 17
Mickey 17 is an upcoming Sci-Fi and dark comedy movie produced, penned, and helmed by the acclaimed director Bong Joon-ho. He is known for directing many hit films, including Parasite, Memories of Murder, The Host, Mother, and others.
The movie features a star-studded cast, including Naomi Ackie, Mark Ruffalo, Toni Collette, and others. It is produced by several companies, including Plan B Entertainment Offscreen, Kafe Street Picture Company, and others. The project will be distributed by the American film production, Warner Bros. Pictures.
Robert Pattinson's Mickey 17 is slated to premiere at the 75th Berlin International Film Festival in February 2025.