On Tuesday, May 7, South Korean actor Lee Do-hyun attended the 60th Baeksang Awards. Despite being currently enlisted in the military, the actor took time to attend the ceremony and receive the Best New Actor Award for his performance in the 2024 Korean film, Exhuma.
Though fans cheered hard as the actor received his well-deserved trophy, he had, by then, already impressed fans with his iconic red carpet fit. Ideally, Korean celebrities attending the event are seen wearing a variety of grand and elegant outfits.
However, given that Lee Do-hyun was still serving in the military and only took time off to attend the 60th Baeksang Awards, he chose to wear an outfit that best represented his current identity. Thus, instead of a suit and tie outfit, the idol chose to wear a military uniform and graced the red carpet confidently.
Exhuma's Lee Do-hyun attends the 60th Baeksang Awards in a military uniform amid his ongoing service
On May 7, the 60th Baeksang Awards was conducted at the Coex Hall D in Seoul, South Korea. The annual award ceremony recognizes excellence in film, theatre, and dramas of South Korea, particularly releases in the span of the previous year.
Therefore, several South Korean actors, filmmakers, and producers, among others, generally gather at the annual event and are awarded for their work. This year, actor Lee Do-hyun was nominated for not one but two of his projects, the K-drama Good Bad Mother and the Korean film Exhuma. Exhuma is a mystery and horror Korean film that was released on May 3 and starred several popular actors such as Kim Go-eun, Choi Min-sik, and Yoo Hai-jin.
However, fans were naturally not expecting the actor to attend the event since he's currently serving his mandatory enlistment in the South Korean military. To everyone's surprise, however, he was spotted on the red carpet of the 60th Baeskang Awards.
If his unexpected presence wasn't enough to shock netizens, his outfit choice left an all the more lasting impression on the people. The actor showed up in an ideal military uniform and also saluted journalists and photographers gathered to report the event.
Many loved his outfit choice and also commended his representation of the South Korean military at the prestigious award ceremony. Meanwhile, the actor also received the Best New Actor Award for his role in the Korean film Exhuma. Not having expected this outcome, Lee Do-hyun immediately confessed about not having a speech prepared.
Regardless, he thanked the film's director Jang Jae-hyun, his co-stars, Choi Min-sik and Yoo Hae-jin, and also his family and his girlfriend, Lim Ji-yeon, for their support towards him and his career as an actor.
Fans are still in awe of Lee Do-hyun's unexpected appearance at the 60th Baeksang Awards, although this isn't news to the Korean entertainment industry. Previously, several other artists such as Son Sang-yeon, Park Hyung-sik, Kim Jae-joong, among others, were seen attending award ceremonies during their off days in the military in order to collect their awards.