South Korean actor Lee Min-ho has announced the Asia Fan Meeting Tour titled ‘MINHOVERSE,’ igniting anticipation among fans. On January 7, the actor's agency, MYM Entertainment, and talent agency TONZ Entertainment unveiled the official poster for the MINHOVERSE fan meeting on their respective social media pages.
The poster features a monochromatic image of Lee Min-ho walking in a long black coat, with his shadow cast on the white floor. According to JTBC, the Pachinko actor will tour around seven cities in Asia for the upcoming fan meeting tour. This will mark his fan meeting tour in eight years since 2017.
The 'MINHOVERSE' tour is scheduled to begin in Seoul in March 2025 and will continue in seven different cities across Asia. The term ‘MINHOVERSE’ combines Lee Min-ho's name and the word "universe," signifying the world he has created with his fans.
The upcoming tour will provide the actor with an opportunity to express his gratitude for the love and support he has received from his fans over the years. Further details regarding the tour cities, dates, and venues are yet to be announced by MYM Ent and TONZ Ent.
Lee Min-ho opens up on marriage and ideal type in recent appearance on Zzanbro
Lee Min-ho recently appeared on the popular YouTube talk show Zzanbro, hosted by South Korean comedian Shin Dong-yup. The actor was a guest alongside his When The Stars Gossip co-star Gong Hyo-jin in the episode that aired on January 6, 2025.
In a candid conversation, Gong Hyo-jin revealed that the actor expressed his envy after she tied the knot with Kevin Oh. The Pachinko actor explained that, besides his professional life, he believes that marriage could also be a significant part of one's life.
He said:
"Besides a career, it's the most important choice one makes in their life. I'm thinking about it a lot right now. I'm still not sure about it."
He further discussed his ideal type, mentioning that Gong Hyo-jin is helping him find the right match.
"Someone who's natural. I like a style similar to Gong Hyo-jin noona. She's really trying to find someone for me. when she calls, we talk for 2 hours and she worries about me for 1 hour 50 minutes," he stated.
About Lee Min-ho's recent drama When The Stars Gossip
When The Stars Gossip tells the story of Gong Ryong, an OB-GYN played by Lee Min-ho, who is also the potential son-in-law of the chaebol family that owns the nation's largest business group, MZ. Gong Ryong spends a huge amount to visit a space station as a tourist while carrying a secret mission hidden from others.
Meanwhile, Eve Kim (played by Gong Hyo-jin), a space scientist, serves as the commander at the space station to which Gong Ryong travels. She is known to be meticulous in her work, leaving no room for mistakes. As a perfectionist, Eve Kim does not tolerate errors in an environment filled with danger.
On the other hand, Oh Jung-se plays Kang Kang-su, Eve Kim's crewmate and a fruit fly research scientist. Kang Kang-su comes from a family that runs a global financial company.
The upcoming episodes of When The Star Gossip is set to showcase the blooming romance between Eve Kim and Gong Ryong as they navigate their work life at the space station together. The drama airs weekly on Saturdays and Sundays on tvN and Netflix.