My Military Valentine is a romance-action drama that aired on June 7, 2024, on Viki. The series stars Nam Gyu-ri, Kim Min-seok, and Song Jae-rim as the main cast, and Kim Jung-young, Noh Sang-hyun, and Lee Jung-hyun in supporting roles. This drama, directed by Park Gwang-choon, is based in a peaceful city, Pyeoghwasi, cohabitated by citizens from both sides after South Korea and North Korea decided to put down their guns and join hands.
Nam Gyu-ri plays Major General Baek Young-ok, a North Korean soldier tasked with protecting the now-growing Pyeonghwasi. Kim Min-seok takes up the role of the Kpop idol Lloyd, a member of FITA, one of the most popular Kpop boy groups with a global influence. Song Jae-rim plays a negative role in My Military Valentine, playing the part of Song Jae-hoon, an opposer of the new developments between the two countries.
My Military Valentine episodes 1 and 2 recap
Episode 1: Llyod joins the military to escape scandal
Episode 1 of My Military Valentine opens with Baek Young-ok arriving in Pyeoghwasi at night and struggling to find a medicine shop. Seeing this, a man and a woman approach her, trying to sell a concoction they claim will cure multiple ailments.
Meanwhile, Llyod has arrived at the Pyeoghwa City Hall for his concert. In the concert, the fans are going crazy over FITA, but outside, a mysterious truck enters the venue. It is revealed that the truck contains bombs, and the men get busy planting them in various locations. The mayor, Won Tae-sook, is now made aware of a bomb threat by an anonymous informant.
Young-ok, willing to buy the bottle of medicine, sits in the two strangers' truck, and they take her to earn money so she can pay for the medication she desperately wants. Finding it fishy, she asks them to stop the truck and pulls a gun on them when they do not cooperate. Unfortunately for the duo, she escapes with the truck.
In the next scene of My Military Valentine, Lloyd has sneaked out of the green room backstage. The bombers are ordered to retreat since their mission has been compromised. Lloyd reaches his van, where Jini Yoon has a gift for him, a gun he has long wanted to lay his hands on. As the forces find the informant, the press finds Lloyd suspiciously close to Jini Yoon, and a commotion follows. A frustrated Young-ok, who is on duty, breaks Lloyd's fake gun and pins him to the van.
Back in his agency, Lloyd is now in a pickle as Jini Yoon tells the press that Lloyd broke up with her, sparking a scandal. Lloyd knows well to seclude himself till the rumors calm down. As he is busy playing his video games, he recalls following the military officer after she broke his gun. There, he saw her engaged in a brutal exchange with one of the bombers, who later managed to escape.
To avoid chaos, the mayor's advisors have decided to dismiss the situation as a prank and pacify it as Lloyd's scandal keeps the media busy. Moreover, they have captured the informant as well, who turns out to be a teenage fangirl of Lloyd. The K-pop star is then sent to the military for the time being.
Episode 2: Lloyd faces danger in the military
Episode 2 of My Military Romance opens with Lloyd in a van. He is confused as he and his team are dropped off in a landmine. Though he expected to be put on the Military Defense PR team, he finds himself in the middle of a forest with his unit leader, Young-ok, commanding them to kill the terrorists without harming the civilians. As the group divides into pairs, Lloyd is with Young-ok. The operation starts, and the terrorists fall one by one, and suddenly, Lloyd does, too.
He starts dreaming of himself on the stage, teary-eyed, being cheered on by his fans. The dream then moves to his mother asking him to earn more money and put off his military plans. Frustrated, he says yes to going into military training. As he is back to reality, he wakes up to find himself surrounded by his unit. Turns out, it was counter-terrorism training, and there was no use of live ammunition.
His unit was Mountain Hawks Team One of Unified Armes forces. Lloyd is now confused since he expected to be transferred to PR defense. Since a member died, Major General Baek Young-ok does a brief review and asks them to march back instead of being driven. Still in pain, Lloyd struggles to catch up with his comrades and is left behind.
Meanwhile, the authorities interrogate the informant, Han Song-I (played by Kim Na-yeon), who refuses to cooperate. Song Jae-hoon, the head of the terrorists has a mole planted in the forces and gains access to Song-I's whereabouts.
The entire unit reaches their quarters except for Lloyd. Meanwhile, Song-I is kidnapped by the terrorists. The scene cuts to a departmental store where Mirae, with her grandma Jung Geun-seok (played by Kim Jung-young in My Military Valentine), decides to buy ice cream.
Song-I manages to escape and bumps into Lloyd while dodging bullets. As an escape plan, Lloyd puts on Song-I's jacket and decides to lure the terrorists away from her as she escapes to safety. No resistance from Song-I's side helps, and Lloyd is cornered.
With no live ammunition, a helpless Lloyd finds some hope as Young-ok comes to his rescue on a bike. With not much of an option, she decides to jump off the cliff into the water below to avoid the terrorists. Lloyd, unable to swim, starts drowning. In an attempt to save him, Young-ok swims to the surface and back to Lloyd to give him mouth-to-mouth air.
My Military Valentine airs every Friday on Viki. The next two episodes are expected to be released on Friday, June 14.