South Korean reality dating show, My Sibling's Romance, aired its last episode on June 14, 2024, on JTBC and Wavve. The show revolved around five sibling pairs who shared a mansion for three weeks in their quest to find their significant others among the contestants. This was the one-of-a-kind dating show that included siblings in its roster to add a twist to its plot.
On June 15, reports surfaced on the South Korean online forum, Instiz, where it was revealed that Cho-a and Chul-hyun were initially cast as "catfishes" in My Sibling's Romance. For the unversed, a "catfish" is often a wild card contestant on a dating reality show—someone who is seen to be the most gorgeous among the competitors and is introduced mid-show to create drama.
However, since one sibling pair left mid-way due to their personal commitments, the production crew of My Sibling's Romance urged Cho-a and Chul-hyun to join the show from the beginning.
The negotiations with Cho-a company, where she works, weren't as successful either which resulted in her being absent in the episodes for most parts. Reportedly, she was able to get leave on short notice due to the change in casting and filming schedule.
My Sibling's Romance episode 16 leaves viewers perplexed with its ending
Park Cho-a, 34, is a diet consultant in South Korea's biggest diet business, JUVIS Diet, headquartered in Seoul. Her brother, Park Chul-hyun, is a successful commercial model in South Korea. The brother-sister duo earned immense love and praise globally for their grace, respect for everyone, and their pure-heartedness.
Episode 16 ended with three couples who were successful in finding love by the end of the show. However, it also had its poignant moments and heartbreaks. Viewers were slammed to see Park Cho-a and her brother, Park Chul-hyeon, being unsuccessful in their quests for true love.
My Sibling's Romance participants, Lee Yoon-ha and Kim Yoon-jae were one of the show's endgame couple, as they chose one another. The show later revealed that the two started dating each other in real life. Meanwhile, Yoon-jae's sister, Kim Ji-won, picked Lee Yong-woo at the end of the show regardless of having great compatibility and wholesome dates with Park Jae-hyung.
This selection left both Jae-hyung and Cho-a heartbroken as Cho-a had always been interested in Yong-woo from episode 1. Yong-woo had consistently texted Cho-a and went on dates with her, however, he changed his decision in episode 15, shocking everyone. Yong-woo revealed that he feels nothing for Cho-a and has moved on from his feelings which further invited the ire of the viewers globally.
Moreover, the third couple was Lee Jung-sub (Yoon-ha's younger brother) and Park Se-seung (Jae-hyung's younger sister). From the beginning, Se-seung developed feelings for Jung-sub and went on several dates with him. Although it took Jung-sub quite some time to realize he likes Se-seung after going on dates with other female contestants, they both picked each other in the end.
Meanwhile, Yong-woo's sister, Ju-yeon, also didn't get matched with her love interest, Jae-hyung. She picked him but Jae-hyung fell for Ji-won and was left heartbroken when Ji-won rejected him in the end despite having spent most of her time with Jae-hyung on the show, My Sibling's Romance.
My Sibling's Romance (Director's Cut version) is available for viewers to watch on KOCOWA+, VIKI, and OnDemandKorea. The dating reality show is also available on VIU and iQIYI for JBTC's broadcast version.