Felix of Stray Kids was spotted showing his support for his senior, KEY of SHINee, at his concert on September 15, 2024. However, it wasn’t just his presence that caught fans’ attention but also the heartwarming interaction between the two idols that made the day more special.
During the second day of his Seoul concert at the Olympic Handball Stadium, KEY took a moment to give a special shoutout to Felix. He expressed how much he likes the young idol, calling him one of the dongsaengs (younger brothers) he cherishes. KEY also shared that the two of them meet up often outside of work, which has helped them form a close friendship.
While KEY was speaking, he was shown on the venue's big screen, happily waving a lightstick and forming hearts over his head, much to the delight of fans. One fan on X wrote:
"my staywol heart is bursting"
The genuine bond between the two idols had the audience swooning, with the Stray Kids star supporting KEY not only as a fellow artist but as a true friend and fanboy. Fans couldn't get enough of this sweet sunbae-hoobae (senior-junior) interaction, showering both with admiration and affection.
“I love how some SKZ and SHINee members seem to have adopted each other,” a fan said.
“As shawol/stay, I love this so much. I love seeing my ults befriend each other. It makes me so happy,” an X user expressed.
“Key collecting juniors as usual,” another fan stated.
More fans expressed their admiration towards this friendship.
“Support idols from different companies being good friends and supporting each other,” another fan said.
“Key felix friendship was not on my 2024 bingo card but i’m so happy this is so cute,” an X user claimed.
“This is genuinely so sweet I’m so glad Felix has such supportive sunbaes,” a happy fan said.
KEY and Felix reveal their close friendship through a heartwarming interaction
A glimpse of SHINee’s Key and Stray Kids’ Felix’s growing friendship was first seen about 10 months ago when they did a dance challenge together to Stray Kids’ song LALALA. Their bond became even more apparent when they reunited for another dance challenge in July 2024 after the release of Stray Kids' new track, Chk Chk Boom.
These interactions sparked fan speculation about the depth of their friendship, which was officially confirmed during KEY's solo concert in Seoul on September 15, 2024.
Felix was spotted in the stands, cheering for his senior, much to fans' delight. During the concert, Key took a moment to acknowledge the younger idol's presence and opened up about their close bond, saying:
"My favorite younger brother. We haven't talked much about each other in public, but in fact, we hang out together many times in private and became close friends through chatting. This friend has many qualities that I don't have and also helped me a lot. It's a very healthy sunbae-hoobae friendship."
In response, Felix excitedly shouted from the audience:
“You’re so cool!”
KEY, ever playful, responded by pretending to search for where the Stray Kids' member's voice came from, jokingly saying:
"Where did this voice come from?"
He then fondly recalled their previous dance challenges together, highlighting the bond they had formed.
Fans were deeply touched by this interaction, seeing it as a heartwarming example of the close relationships between idols from different groups. They praised the camaraderie between SHINee and Stray Kids, seeing it as a sign of healthy friendships being fostered within the K-pop community.