On June 7, 2024, the South Korean actor Park Hyung-sik showcased his support for BTS' Kim Taehyung through his social media handle @phs1116 on Instagram. He shared a video on his story and added V's latest digital single, FRI(END)S, as its background sound as V is currently enlisted for mandatory military service.
BigHit Music unveiled BTS' Kim Taehyung's digital single FRI(END)S on March 15, 2024, at 1 pm KST, accompanied by a music video on the HYBE LABELS official YouTube channel. The track is a Pop Soul R&B jam, and the music video showcases two sides of an individual and how the destiny of their life remains unchanged despite their relationship status, be it single or dating someone.
Park Hyung-sik impressed fans with his support for BTS' Kim Taehyung
Park Hyung-sik updated a video of an aesthetic scenario where he recorded nature's view filled with clouds and a view of the top-story building. One could see the sky filled with smoke, far-fetched mountains, occupied roads, and concrete buildings covered with clouds.
The actor used FRI(END)S as the background music for his latest Instagram update. He added the following lines from the song to his story:
"You're in my head. I had plans for the weekend but wound up with you instead."
Soon, the Strong Woman Do Bong Soon's Instagram update went viral on social, leaving Kim Taehyung's fandom elated. They stated the actor has a history of showcasing his support to the idol whenever he releases any new single or track. As a result, fans also claimed that in the competition of loving and supporting Kim Taehyung, they had to compete with Park Hyung-sik and it would not be easy to do.
An X user @11t1taekim111 tweeted:
"Hyungsik, don't worry, at this point, nobody will take away your crown for the biggest supporter of Kim Taehyung."
He previously shared V's tracks, including Itaewon Class's OST Sweet Night, Rainy Days, his collaborative track, wherever u r, with the female singer Umi, and others on his Instagram story. Park Hyung-sik also added V's latest track, For Us, from Kim Taehyung's studio album, Layover, as the background music on his Instagram post, which he shared on October 14, 2023, after a cameo in the Strong Girl Nam-soon.
Park Hyung-sik talked about his friendship with BTS' Kim Taehyung in an interview with the Japanese publication Mokkan Henshu. He spoke about V's quick rise to international fame and recognition and further added that as V climbed the ladder of success and gained widespread popularity, his personality remained unchanged.
Park Hyung-sik remembered the duo's first encounter on the filming set of the 2016 historical drama Hwarang: The Poet Warrior Youth and stated as translated by Koreaboo:
"To Me, Taehyung is still my cute younger brother, He hasn't changed from when we first met. In terms of work, he is a professional, but he is usually an ordinary bot."
BTS' V is currently deployed to the 2nd Military Corps division of the Republic of Korea Army and is expected to be discharged in June 2025.