On Monday, April 29, 2024, South Korean police officials confirmed and revealed that Sik-K was the famous rapper who turned himself in for alleged drug usage. On January 19, the Korean media outlet Tenasia released an article expressing that a famous rapper turned himself in for drug usage. However, the identity of the person wasn't unveiled until recently.
The recent report from the police officials, as stated by Star News, explained that Sik-K was speaking incomprehensible words to the officers during his surrender. At the time of surrender, he also added that he'd like to turn himself in for consumption of illegal drugs. Following the confession, a detailed National Forensic Service test was conducted, which turned out positive for the rapper's usage of marijuana.
However, the rapper's legal representative released a statement clarifying a few misinformation that spread across the internet. The statement expressed that the rapper was not under the influence when he went to the police station. His behavior was rather from drugs that lingered after his shoulder surgery.
"Sik-K did not go to the Yongsan Police Station in Seoul under the influence. His behavior while attending the police was not due to taking drugs but was due to delirium after surgery." (Source: StarNews)
Additionally, the statement also clarified that the idol admitted to the possession and smoking of marijuana. Therefore, he'll undertake the charges for the same. However, the statement clarified that the rumors of the idol's usage of methamphetamine or Philopon aren't true.
Sik-K's legal representative releases statement clarifying rumors of the South Korean rapper's alleged drug usage
Back in January 2024, the news of an anonymous rapper turning himself in for drug usage landed on the internet. It was also announced that the police began their investigations regarding the legitimacy of the rapper's confession.
The police found that the rapper was involved in the possession and consumption of marijuana. However, the identity of the rapper was not revealed until now. The most recent piece of information regarding the case revealed that Sik-K was the rapper and that there were instances of him speaking incomprehensible words at the Yongsan Police Station during the time of his confession.
When the news landed on the internet, rumors about the idol's consumption of Philopon, a form of methamphetamine, began to spread. Additionally, there were also speculations of the rapper going to the police station under the influence. Therefore, to put a rest to the misinformation, Sik-K's legal representative, Seda Law Firm, released a statement explaining the same.
The statement addressed the rumors of him going to the police station under the influence. The legal representative explained that Sik-K went under surgery for the treatment of his shoulder rotator cuff injury that he developed during his military service.
He was not only made to go under anesthesia but was also prescribed sleeping pills until January 18. This resulted in delirious symptoms in the rapper when he made his way to confess to the Yongsan Police Station the next morning, January 19.
Further clarifications regarding the rapper's charges were also made. The statement explained that Sik-K wasn't involved in any drug usage other than marijuana. The reports and tests made by the National Forensic Service also supported this argument.
"Sik-K has surrendered to charges of simple possession of marijuana and smoking and is admitting to these charges. No Philopon (a form of methamphetamine) component was detected in the rapper's hair test results submitted during the investigation." (SourceStarNews)
As of April 18, 2024, the rapper was transferred to the Seoul Western District Prosecutors' Office without any detention due to his charges of violating the Narcotics Control Act.