On January 23, 2025, GOT7 appeared on M Countdown and participated in a special Squid Game-themed segment as part of the show's ChaChaCha feature. Competing against IVE and RIIZE, they not only played but emerged victorious, much to the delight of their fans.
This unexpected win was particularly amusing, given the group’s playful reputation and their history of often falling short in competitive or sporting events. Fans celebrated the victory with humor and enthusiasm, applauding the group's spirited performance and clever tactics. One fan commented:
"I still don’t think got7 would survive squid game I’m sorry"
Some members showcased quick thinking and unconventional strategies, deviating from the original rules of the Squid Game. These creative moves not only secured their win but also gave fans plenty of laughs, making it a memorable moment for both the group and their supporters. Fans are now jokingly calling it a historic sporting victory for GOT7.
“GOT7 coming back AND winning games in 2025,” a fan said.
“This is a rare moment where they won something in a category of sports,” a fan remarked.
“Since when they're good at games,” a fan comically questioned.
As some fans commented upon their past failure history in sports, some made other kinds of funny comments,
“I'm so proud of my weak kneed old men,” a fan hilariously coined.
“I miss this kind of GOT7 content. They're so chaotic.” A fan expressed.
GOT7 makes their return to variety content after 3 years
This week’s ChaChaCha segment on M Countdown featured a Squid Game-style competition between GOT7, IVE, and RIIZE. The teams played the second game from Squid Game 2, "Six-Legged Pentathlon."
Although the name suggests "penta," which means "five," the groups were tasked with completing just two mini-games as part of the challenge. The team that completed both games the fastest would emerge victorious.
The game began with all team members having their legs tied together, requiring teamwork and coordination. At each 10-meter interval, one member had to play a mini-game for their team to progress successfully. The two challenges included were "Flying Stone" and "Spinning Top." Teams had to complete the games and return to the starting line to finish.
The septet dominated the game, completing the challenge in a swift 45 seconds, earning them the win. However, true to their reputation, they brought plenty of laughs along the way. Before the game started, leader Jay B hilariously misunderstood the rules and tied his own legs together instead of pairing up with a teammate. His teammates burst into laughter, pointing out that even foreigners know the rope is meant to tie two people’s legs together.
As this was the band’s comeback stage with their new mini-album, Winter Heptagon, fans celebrated their victory, playfully labeling it as not only a return to music but also to competitions, this time with a renewed determination to win. Their quirky antics and approach made the moment even more entertaining for fans overall.