On Thursday, June 20, NCT's Renjun took to his Bubble account to expose a sasaeng. Through his Bubble account, he uploaded a screenshot of a cell number, exposing the contact details of a sasaeng. He added that the owner of the cell number not only spam-called the idol but also stated that this person tried to sell and leak his personal contact details.
Since this stands against the law, the idol, after losing his patience with the recent events that unfolded around him, leaked their number so fans could not only be aware of the sasaeng's actions but also prevent their actions from spreading further. Here's what his Bubble message read:
"Stop calling me. I am revealing this person’s phone number"
Following Renjun's Bubble post, fans have been both concerned and worried about the idol's privacy. While they've been spreading information regarding the sasaeng, their contact details, and their allegedly malicious actions, the fans have also been calling out SM Entertainment for their lack of artist protection.
Following the idol's post, the fans have been tagging and trending hashtags on X, urging SM Entertainment to not only increase security for their artists' private information but also to take legal action against the sasaeng who was involved in the incident.
NCT's Renjun warns and exposes sasaeng through his Bubble account
NCT's Renjun, the vocalist and member of the group's subunit, NCT DREAM, has recently been garnering attention for exposing sasaengs on the internet for their malicious and allegedly illegal behavior. While he outed a sasaeng for spam-calling him and promoting the purchase of his contact details to other netizens, this isn't the first time the idol boldly came forward with these incidents.
In April this year, the idol uploaded a screenshot of a message he received from a netizen. The netizen criticized the current generation of K-pop idols for supposedly having it easy, earning easy money, and dating freely. The idol responded to this message with a bold text that asked the netizen to stop hiding behind the keyboard and talk to his lawyer.
Here's what his reply stated, according to the screenshot he shared on Bubble:
"Don't hide and type like a rat. If you have something to say, talk to my lawyer. Idols are also human and feel hardships. If you have time, learn how to calm down and be calm. Don't take out your anger on people you don't know."
Following this, there was another incident where the idol, yet again, exposed and called out a sasaeng's intrusive behavior. On June 11, he took to his Bubble account again and called out the person who took non-consensual pictures of him at the airport. He also went ahead and revealed the netizen's social media handle.
He uploaded them with a caption stating that he would fight against the sasaengs and not stay silent. Here's what he said:
"My NCTzens don’t worry, I, Huang Renjun am not someone who will go/break down easily."
This is the third time that the idol has called out the malicious and allegedly illegal behavior of sasaengs around him, and fans are naturally concerned increasing amount of these incidents.