On May 7, Stray Kids’ Felix became the first K-pop artist on Instagram to gain the most number of followers in 24 hours, after his appearance at the 2024 Met Gala, Felix debuted on fashion's biggest night's red carpet along with his group members, donning a Tommy Hilfiger ensemble. He topped the list of most followed Korean pop singer's list on the data observatory page of K-pop Radar.
Felix garnered attention online not just for his outfit, but also for his platinum blonde hair. His appearance created curiosity among non-fans online, many of whom took to social media platform X to ask who he was. According to K-pop Radar, the Australian-Korean member of Stray Kids accumulated over 53,843 followers on Instagram and has 22,396,531 followers in total since May 7.
More about Stray Kids’ Felix’s 2024 Met Gala outfit
On May 4, Stray Kids’ vocalist Seungmin gave a spoiler about attending the 2024 Met Gala through his Instagram live video, catching fans by surprise. While chatting with fans, he said:
“Ah Met Gala show, we are getting ready for it, there are a lot more things to do than what I thought, like fittings, yeah.”
On May 6, Stray Kids members Bangchan, Lee Know, Changbin, Hyunjin, Han, Seungmin, and I.N., attended the exclusive Metropolitan Museum of Art's Costume Institute Gala. They made history as the first K-pop group to ever attend the evening.
Previously, in September 2023, Stray Kids announced their collaboration with Tommy Hilfiger for their Fall 2023 collection. They were also announced as the Asia ambassador of the group. At the Met Gala too, the members donned custom-designed Tommy Hilfiger outfits, inspired by the dress code The Garden of Time.
The 2024 Met Gala dress code was set after J.G. Ballard's story, The Garden of Time (1962). The Costume Institute’s exhibition overall theme, Sleeping Beauties: Reawakening Fashion, focused on the wonders of nature while simultaneously showing fashion's ever-evolving side.
Stray Kids members were seen wearing suits in Tommy Hilfiger's signature colors Red, Blue and White. Felix, however, donned an all-white suit. His three-piece silk white suit had gold buttons studded on and intricate flowers embroidered on it.
Felix’s blonde hair with tiny braids on both sides was parted down the middle, and tied up in a ponytail. This hairstyle became quite the topic of discussion following the Met. In a conversation with Vogue, the S-Class singer shared his thoughts on attending the Met Gala for the first time.
He said:
“Representing Tommy Hilfiger as eight members for the first time on the Met Gala carpet is truly a rare and honorable moment for us.”
Besides Stray Kids, K-pop girl group BLACKLPINK's member Jennie also attended the Met Gala, donning an all-blue attire designed by Pieter Mulier, from Alaïa's 2024 Fall collection. Jennie also made it to the K-pop Radar's list of most followed K-pop artists in 24 hours on May 7, at the second spot.
She was followed by other Stray Kids members like Hyunjin, Han, and Lee Know ranking No. 4, 5, and 6 respectively. Furthermore, Stray Kids' official account known as @realstraykids also gained a notable amount of followers making it to the 8th position.