Stray Kids' Felix, during his conversation on MBC's Radio Star Preview, which dropped on July 11, 2024, recalled getting a call from actor Ryan Reynolds. The K-pop phenomenon further divulged receiving a token of appreciation from the famous actor, wowing audiences awaiting the full episode's release.
In the preview clip launched on the official MBCentertainment YouTube channel, the Stray Kids member shared the platform with other guests Junjin, Hwanhee, and MC GREE. The episode, titled "Style Icon Men"(Korean: 폼생폼사나이) is to come out on Wednesday, July 17 at 10:30 PM KST.
In the 1-minute 39-second preview video, the stars got candid about their personal stories. In line with the same, the 23-year-old idol shared about his global network of connections, thrilling his fans.
Felix then revealed his interaction on a call with Ryan Reynolds after his 2021 Kingdom performance, where he delivered a stage with a Deadpool concept. This marked the beginning of his friendship with the actor.
Felix stated Reynolds thanked him for promoting his character and was later presented with the signature Deadpool mask by the actor.
"I received a phone call from Ryan Reynolds saying, 'Thank you for promoting me.' I was also gifted the mask he wore in Deadpool."
Fans already know of Stray Kids' many interactions with Ryan Reynolds, with the actor even recently expressing his admiration for the group during the Deadpool and Wolverine press conference in Seoul.
The Free Guy-star even shares a bond with Stray Kids' leader Bang Chan, who received gifts from the actor as well. Reynolds even featured in the group's music video for Chk Chk Boom from the new mini-album ATE slated to release on July 19 this year. He appeared as a news anchor on a TV screen in the teaser for the MV.
Sneak peeks into the upcoming episode of MBC's Radio Star starring Stray Kids' Felix among other special guests
Felix also showcased his skill at imitating a mosquito sound on the MBC show's preview and further won hearts by presenting the hosts with original homemade cookies. He is even expected to present a Stray Kids stage that made him go viral on social media as "that part, that guy".
Per iMBC Entertainment reports, on the show, he was further acknowledged by fellow guest Hwanhee for having an exceptional vocal range, noting the uncommon mix of a deep voice with a youthful appearance. What's noteworthy is that veteran singer Hwanhee himself is known for his deep voice among fans.
Hwanhee further disclosed the lineage of cave-like voices in the entertainment industry, after acknowledging Felix's deep voice, stating,
"There aren't many people with low voices combined with youthful looks."
The new episode will also disclose the story behind Felix's real name. According to iMBC Entertainment, the vocalist divulged the story behind his naming,
"My Korean name is Lee Yong-bok and it was given by my grandfather."
He then also disclosed,
"My mother was looking for a trendy name, but it didn't happen, so she was upset for six months."
Felix even provided an anecdote from his trainee days when his group members initially discovered his real name.
He even discussed his fashion choices and said comic book characters inspired them. Following the same, pictures of his looks were displayed, as if ripped out from the pages of a comic book, piquing everyone's interest. One of Radio Star's MCs, Kim Gu-ra, acknowledged his freckles as charming in the same line of conversations.
Taking about his worldwide connections, Felix also boasted about his rapport with Thor actor Chris Hemsworth, revealing his playful relationship with him. He further recalled meeting LVMH chairperson Bernard Arnault at a luxury fashion show in Barcelona and being invited to a surreal dinner after-party on a private cruise.
Felix, who donated 100 million won through UNICEF, becoming the youngest member of the Honors Club, also talked about his Laos volunteer work on the candid talk show. He even revealed receiving a three-week vacation after 7 years of being a Stray Kids member.
Audiences can expect to witness these intriguing interactions in the episode coming out on July 17.
Stray Kids recently gave a headliner performance at I-DAYS Milano 2024, Italy's major music festival. They also delivered a headline stage at BST Hyde Park, London, on July 14, going viral on social media. The team will headline yet another stage, at Lollapalooza in Chicago, Illinois (August 1 to 4, 2024).
The Thunderous group's upcoming EP ATE will contain the songs - Mountain, Chk Chk Boom, JJAM, I Like It, Runners, Twilight, Stray Kids, and the festival version of Chk Chk Boom.