On January 10, 2025, a photo of Squid Game lead Lee Jung-jae began circulating online, sparking a heated debate among Korean netizens. The image, taken at a Netflix red carpet event in December 2024 and reported by The Hollywood Reporter, showcased the actor’s natural skin, including wrinkles and fine lines, as he participated in an interview.
While some fans criticized his unfiltered appearance, arguing that it did not align with the polished and professional visuals often seen in K-dramas, others quickly defended the 52-year-old actor. The backlash began when a user posted the image on Instiz.com, prompting critical comments about his wrinkles and the lack of editing.
However, many netizens rallied to support Lee Jung-jae, emphasizing the importance of embracing natural aging and celebrating authenticity.
One fan on X succinctly countered the criticism, stating:
"That’s how 52 looks."
Supportive comments flooded in, applauding Lee Jung-jae for embracing his age and real appearance.
"Knets are too comfortable with high filtered, edited and whitewashed pictures and get shocked with original image," a fan criticized.
"He's 52? Of course hes gonna have some wrinkles, whats the issue?" another fan exclaimed.
"What else were people expecting from a 52 year old man," an X user stated.
Some other fans expressed support for the actor.
"He never lied about his age," a fan claimed.
"He looks great tho, wat they want now ugh," another fan exclaimed.
"Looks great for 52, also has a 6 pack," a netizen wrote.
Fans highlight Lee Jung-jae's age after his natural looks receive criticism
On December 14, 2024, The Hollywood Reporter interviewed Squid Game lead Lee Jung-jae on the red carpet during a Netflix event. Dressed in a sky-blue undershirt paired with a blue leather jacket, the actor exuded charm as he discussed the second season of the global hit series.
However, the focus on his natural appearance sparked mixed reactions among fans. Korean netizens criticized the visible wrinkles on his face and neck, with some questioning whether a filter was used or criticizing his makeup team for not concealing his age more effectively.
In stark contrast, international fans rallied to defend him, praising the Squid Game star's unfiltered authenticity. Many highlighted the unrealistic beauty standards in Korean media.
While his appearance became a topic of discussion, Lee also shared insights during the interview about Squid Game season 2. When asked about the conversations he hopes the new season will inspire, he said:
"We have a lot of new characters with their own backstories. We want fans to immerse themselves in the show and find connections with the characters. I’m sure different people will relate to different stories. I hope they enjoy it."
Lee Jung-jae’s thoughtful remarks about the season sparked excitement among fans, showcasing his wisdom, despite the unwarranted criticism of his appearance.