Japanese reality dating series The Boyfriend, which stands as the nation's first same-sex dating show, was recently wrapped up on Tuesday, July 30. The show's contestants, Shun, Kazuto, Usak, Ryota, Taeheon, Dai, Alan, Ikuo, and Gensei, were put together in a beachside house called the Green Room.
Here, they spent one summer month with each other. During their time at the Green Room, the contestants were given the responsibility to run a coffee truck. This time allowed them to bond together and possibly find a match for themselves. The Boyfriend premiered on Netflix on July 9, and throughout the month, the show released three episodes every week.
Over the time of The Boyfriend's broadcast, the show garnered a huge fan base and viewership who couldn't stop swooning over several moments from the show. With the show coming to an end, fans have been saddened. However, one of the many ways they sought to revisit the show was by reconnecting with its soundtrack.
The Boyfriend put forth an extensive and diverse set of songs that perfectly matched the scenes of the show. In light of the show coming to an end, the following article will explore all the songs that were played in the show, from beginning to end.
All songs on The Boyfriend's soundtrack: Angel by Troye Sivan, BIRDS OF A FEATHER by Billie Eilish, and more
Here's the list of all the songs that were played throughout the Japanese reality dating show The Boyfriend:
- Dazed & Confused - Glen Check
- 4ever - Glen Check
- Honey - Troye Sivan
- Trust - Nuno Freitas
- your text - sundial
- On the Floor - Perfume Genius
- the boy is mine - Ariana Grande
- Got Me Started - Troye Sivan
- Done With Your - Omar Apollo
- Just Friends - Nuno Frietas
- It's All You - Kennen
- Super 8 - Jace Cameron
- Cherry - Rina Sawayama
- Haircut - Ryan Beatty
- Angel Baby - Troye Sivan
- Life on the Moon - Kennen
- Postcard (feat. Gordi) - Troye Sivan
- I Saw a Boy at the Party - Myylo
- Swimming Pool (Sped Up) - Nuno Freitas
- Can't Help Falling in Love - Perfume Genius
- Bruises Off The Peach - Ryan Beatty
- Down for the Ride - Yavin
- Chosen Family - Rina Sawayama
- In My Room - Troye Sivan, Guitarricadelafuente
- My Youth - Nuno Freitas
- Talk - Omar Rudberg
- An Island - Tyde Levi
- God in Jeans - Ryan Beatty
- UrbanAngel1999 - Thoman Headon
- Photoshoot Tonight - Issac Dunbar
- Running Back To You - Jace Cameron
- BIRDS OF A FEATHER - Billie Eilish
- Too Good To Be True - Kennen
- he's all i wanna be - ETHAN
- Two Strangers - Bryce Xavier
- Sad Boys - Myylo
- i loved a boy -Thomas Headon
- Hostage (Lover Boy) - Ghostryder
- Hand Me Over to The Sun - Jace Cameron
- On The Floor (Initial Talk Remix) - Perfume Genius, Initial Talk
- What's The Time Where You Are? - Troye Sivan
- Always on my mind (New version) - Pet Shop Boys
- supernatural (with Troye Sivan) - Ariana Grande and Troye Sivan
- Consumed By A Beat - Product Remix - Just Shy, PRODUCT
- Lions Park - Nathalie Raedler
- She's A Force of Nature - Benj Heard
- Big Things Await - Ali Friend Ted Barnes
- We Gonna Celebrate - Robert Lamond
- Voyage Imaginaire - Bastien Deshayes, Nicolar Clergue, Maeva Ramanana
- Wonder - Angus MacRae
- Call Me Back (ft. Melxdie) - Bigger Story Music, Melxdie
- Ride With It - ChanYansheng Pietrek, Beds and Beats
- Never Gonna Bleeding Fingers
- Tied My Love - Ray Le Fanue, Olympic
- Powerful - Huw Williams, Oliver Price, Victoria Harrison
- I'm Falling For You - Haley Shaw, Katie Hargrove
- Can I Be Near You? - Makio
- Back To Who I Am - Victoria Beaumont
- Biggest Regret - Richard Smithson
- Time Slow It Down - Elizabeth Riordan
- Set MeFree - Plan 8
- New Sight - Plan 8
- Golden Hour - Ruel Remix - JVKE, Ruel
On the other hand, a total of two couples resulted from The Boyfriend. One was the University student Dai and artist Shun, and the other was Alan, the Japanese-Brazilian IT worker and chef Kazuto.