On Saturday, July 20, the popular K-pop girl group BLACKSWAN released a concept teaser video for their upcoming 1st EP album. This multinational South Korea-based girl group is making a comeback after a hiatus of nine months. The official social media pages of the group also shared the official release date of their new album with the hashtag ‘COMEBACK.’ The album is set to drop on July 31, 2024, at 6 pm KST.
Fans of this K-pop group are excited to see the strong comeback of their idols. They showed their support and enthusiasm for their new album in the form of numerous comments on X that flooded the internet. One of them even wrote,
Many other reactions were recorded on the internet for the girl group.
“FINALLY! I WAS SCARED THEY DISBANDED”- A Twitter user commented.
“Oh this BLACKSWAN comeback is going to be INSANE!!!!!”- Another fan remarked.
“the girls looking amazing stunning!! Oh this is Blackswan year!!!”- A Twitter user wrote.
“Face cards always go crazy!!!!!!! The real MOTHERS!”- Another fan commented.
BLACKSWAN will make a comeback with 1st EP album set to release in July
A concept teaser for BLACKSWAN's 1st EP album was uploaded on their official YouTube channel in preparation for their comeback. The teaser clip provides a sneak peek of the four group members dressed in vibrant red dresses. In the video, Fatou says "Yeah BLACKSWAN."
It was a close-up photo of a neon sign that was branded with the word 'R,' which was a hint at their next project. With the image came a countdown to their comeback date, which is scheduled for July 31 at 6 PM KST.
With its 1st EP album, the K-pop group is making its first release since the debut of their previous single, Cat & Mouse. This song came out in September 2023.
BLACKSWAN is a transnational music group that made its debut in the year 2020. Initially, the group consisted of members who were both Korean and non-Korean. But in 2022, their career took a turn when they became the first K-pop group in the world to be composed of members who were not Korean. This happened because the Korean members left the group.
Fatou, who hails from Belgium, Sriya from India, Gabi, who represents Brazil, and Nvee, who comes from the United States, are the new members of this reorganized squad. A stringent audition process was carried out by DR Music for reestablishing this girl group.
Despite the fact that they come from a variety of backgrounds, this all-girls squad continues to be profoundly rooted in Korean culture.
Ever since their debut, the group has given many hits including Cat & Mouse, Get Up, Karma, Tonight, Close to Me, Start a Fire, Over and Over, A World Without Pain, and more.
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