Gong Yoo and Seo Hyun-jin are making waves for their chemistry in The Trunk, which premiered on Netflix on November 29, 2024. The story follows Han Jeong-won (Gong Yoo), who enters a one-year contract marriage with Noh In-ji (Seo Hyun-jin) at his ex-wife Lee Seo-yeon's suggestion. Initially indifferent, Han Jeong-won gradually falls for Noh In-ji as they share secrets and care for each other in small, meaningful ways, evolving into a heartfelt romance.
Fans have praised the chemistry between the two actors and the build-up between their connection in the show, besides sharing their thoughts about the show overall. As the show delves into the theme of contract marriage, fans are delighted to watch their favorite actors on the screen together.
“The tension is suffocating”- a fan said.
“THEY HAVE ME SCREAMINGGSGSGSG! love how their first kiss stemmed from her sharing a part of herself with him which is her love for dancing and THE WAY HE DEEPENED THE KISS THE SECOND TIME.”- another fan said.
“A romantic couple who can be both serious and cute at the same time.”- a user stated.
Fans continued to swoon over romantic scenes shared between Gong Yoo and Seo Hyun-jin in The Trunk.
“#TheTrunk is the most level-headed and not cringe contract marriage drama I've ever watched. Not to mention their tension... their chemistry... I really loved this drama.”- a user commented.
“seohen and gong yoo’s tension in the drama has me holding my breath!!!!”- another user commented.
“gong yoo and seo hyunjin’s masterclass chemistry is so tense it’s insanely addictive to watch.”- a fan reacted.
Netizens praised The Trunk actors for their performance in the show.
“This show is incredible— The way it’s shot is so unique, and the leads’ interactions are just perfect. Their chemistry is undeniable, and every scene feels purposeful, with a meaningful buildup to everything- a user stated.
“Whoever casted #GongYoo and #SeoHyunJin deserves a RAISE. They gave solid performance! The chemistry, emotions and tension they shared here was just so damn good. I'm still surprised to watch these two in the same screen, their pairing happened.”- a user said.
“Their chemistry is so good that every scene they have together feels like an electric current running through my body…”- a fan stated.
What is the Gong Yoo and Seo Hyun-jin starrer The Trunk all about? Cast, plot & more
Netflix series The Trunk is helmed by director Kim Kyu-tae known for his work in dramas Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo and Our Blues. It is penned by screenwriter Park Eun-young who has previously written shows like Hwarang, I Have Not Done My Best Yet, and more. The show tells the story of Han Jeong-won, portrayed by Gong Yoo, who is a lonely man haunted by his dark past.
Han Jeong-won still longs for his ex-wife Lee Seo-yeon played by Jung Yun-ha, and would do anything to go back to her. Upon Lee Seo-yeon’s suggestion, Han Jeong-won gets into a contract marriage with Noh In-ji.
Noh In-ji is a woman affiliated with a company named NM, which provides its clients with services including different types of marriage by an exclusive contract, valid for one year. On the other hand, Uhm Ji-won played the role of Lee Seon, the CEO of NM.
The drama gets intense as a suspicious trunk is discovered in a lake, posing a threat to NM and its secrets involving Han Jeong-won and Noh In-ji. Meanwhile, All eight episodes of The Trunk are now streaming on Netflix.