BTS' Kim Taehyung, who goes by his stage name V, took to Instagram to post several pictures on July 21, 2024. His latest photo dump included a wide variety of images, which soon went viral online.
Among the 30 new pictures that he shared on Instagram through three separate posts, many featured him shirtless. There were also pictures of him on a beach with his friends and it appeared as though the idol was on vacation. The series of images also includes glimpses of trees and clouds.
Many of BTS' Taehyung's recent photos were included in his TYPE 1 photo book
The latest Instagram pictures of V were taken between 2022 and 2023, when the artist was busy recording solo music and preparing future solo content releases ahead of his military enlistment.
Several of these pictures were included in his 224-page long TYPE 1 photo book, which was released on July 9, 2024. A 152-page softcover magazine version is set to be released on August 6 through Weverse.
BTS' V made headlines on July 22 as Love Me Again surpassed 700 million streams on Spotify. The artist's debut solo track was a hit among fans and it garnered 1 million views on YouTube within 7 minutes of its release on August 10, 2023. The track was later added to his debut solo album, Layover, which was released on September 8, 2023.
BTS' Kim Taehyung has been in the South Korean military since December 11, 2023, and is expected to return in June 2025.