MBC's When the Phone Rings premiered on September 24, 2024, featuring Yoo Yeon-seok, Chae Soo-bin, Heo Nam-joon, and Jang Gyu-ri. This romance thriller follows Baek Sa-eon, a presidential spokesperson, and his wife, Hee-ju, navigating their third year of a politically arranged marriage.
Their relationship faces turmoil when a threatening phone call unearths secrets and tests their fragile bond. Directed by Park Sang-woo and Wi Deuk-gyu, with a script by Kim Ji-woon, the K-drama adapts a Kakao Page novel. Produced by Bon Factory and Baram Pictures, it blends suspense, romance, and political intrigue.
After watching the first two episodes of When the Phone Rings, fans went into a frenzy over Yoo Yeon-seok and Chae Soo-bin's romance plotline. They took to the internet to show their reaction to the couple's unexpected romance. One fan on X posted:
I started #WhenThePhoneRings with zero expectations and now I'm so INVESTED OMG THIS IS SO WATTPAD CODED?!
"She has a condition called mutism. He doesn't understand sign language. 3 years being married. And after hearing her husband not give a f*** about her kidnap, she's all the more riled up. But we all love her because she can actually speak #WhenThePhoneRingsEp1," said one fan.
"THE PLOT TWIST OH MY GOD!!???????," commented another.
Several other fans shared their reactions, calling the show their new "obsession."
"- Rushing home to check on her - Drinking from the glass where she left her lipstick mark - Ready to fight for her This man is down so bad, why doesn't he realize it yet?," responded one fan.
"Here's my new obsession," said another fan.
When the Phone Rings: Recap Summary
When the Phone Rings follows Baek Sa-eon, a presidential spokesperson, and Hee-ju, his wife, navigating a politically arranged marriage riddled with deception, power struggles, and hidden motives. Their fragile relationship is tested when a mysterious caller threatens Sa-eon, leading to a series of revelations that unravel their past and true intentions.
Episode 1: Sa-eon commands attention at a high-profile event while maintaining a tense, distant relationship with Hee-ju. Amid a hostage crisis, Hee-ju's car is sabotaged, and she is taken hostage.
Sa-eon dismisses a ransom demand, confident of her safety. In a shocking twist, Hee-ju overcomes her mutism, uses the kidnapper's phone to call Sa-eon, and reveals herself as the "kidnapper," demanding a ransom while exposing the transactional nature of their marriage.
Episode 2: Sa-eon grows suspicious of Hee-ju and investigates her actions. Hee-ju's struggles with identity and her sacrifices for their marriage are revealed, including her father's care as leverage for the union.
Sa-eon's office is bombed, with Hee-ju’s earlier call implicated. Returning home bloodied, Sa-eon confronts Hee-ju about her secrets and their tangled past, as flashbacks reveal the true motivations behind their marriage.
When the Phone Rings weaves a suspenseful tale of manipulation, ambition, and revenge, with the couple forced to face their darkest truths.