Three minor girls from Maharashtra’s Dharashiv district recently went to extreme lengths in an attempt to meet BTS. On December 27, 2024, three girls, aged between 11 and 13, staged their own kidnapping to get money so they could travel to South Korea to meet the globally popular K-pop group BTS, as per The Economic Times.
The incident involved three places in Maharashtra: Pune, Osmanabad, and Solapur. Such an incident has left the global K-pop fans in shock and took them by surprise about the lengths that fans can go sometimes to meet their idols.
Three minor girls stage fake kidnapping to fund trip to meet BTS
The above-mentioned story's plot unraveled when the Dharashiv police received a distress call claiming that three girls had been forcibly taken away in a school van from Omerga taluka, Osmanabad. Acting swiftly, the police co-ordinated with counterparts in Mohol (Solapur district) and a local shop owner at the Mohol bus stand to track down a state transport bus en route from Omerga to Pune.
The bus was intercepted in the Mohol area of Solapur district, where the police discovered the three girls along with the caller, a woman traveling in the same bus. The girls were safely removed and reunited with their parents, who had been brought to the scene.
During questioning, the minors admitted to staging the fake kidnapping. Their plan was to travel to Pune, find some work, and save enough money for venturing on a trip to South Korea with the aspiration to meet BTS.
Their deep admiration for the K-pop band motivated this elaborate scheme, which they hoped would bring them closer to their dream of meeting their idols.
Authorities involved in this case have urged parents to be vigilant and ensure that their children understand the importance of safety. The Omerga police emphasized that while aspirations are essential, they should not come at the expense of safety and legality.
Meanwhile, BTS is reported to resume activities in 2026 and release a new album in 2025. The group will reunite as one in June 2025, when all the members will have officially completed their military service.