On Wednesday, January 22, the spin-off series Transit Love: Another Beginning, was premiered. The show acts as a pre-release of the fourth season of the South Korean reality dating show, Transit Love. It gathers some contestants from the show's previous three seasons and documents the cast's trip together as they form new relationships and friendships during the trip.
The cast members of the spin-off series include season 1's Hye-seon, Min-jae, and Hye-im, season 2's Gyu-min, Ji-yeon, and Na-eon, and Hwi-hyun and Kwang-tae from Season 3. It's directed by Lee Seung-hwan, and the panelists of Transit Love: Another Beginning are Lee Yong-jin, Kim Ye-won, and Yura.
The following article will unveil more details regarding the contestants such as their ages, Instagram IDs, etc.
All you need to know about the cast lineup for the spin-off series, Transit Love: Another Beginning
Here's everything we know about the cast lineup of the spin-off series:
1) Lee Hye-seon (Season 1)
Instagram ID: @seon.5
Lee Hye-seon was born in 1995 and is a 30-year-old Graphic Designer based in South Korea. She appeared in the first season of Transit Love, and her ex-partner was Yoon Jung-kwon from the same season of reality dating show. She also has a YouTube channel called Seonday under the ID, @seon.5.
2) Kwak Min-jae (Season 1)
Instagram ID: @mj.kwakk
Kwak Min-jae was born in 1991, and he's a Korean-American. He owns a Mexican Taco restaurant in South Korea called, NasungTaco. He appeared in the first season of Transit Love alongside his ex-partner Coco of the same season.
3) Jung Hye-im (Season 1)
Instagram ID: @hyeim__j
Jung Hye-im was born in 1993, and she's a South Korean freelancer model, specializing in jewelry and beauty. She also has a YouTube channel with over 60k subscribers under the name, @hyeimoo. Her ex-partner during her appearance in the show's first season was Lee Sang-woo
4) Jung Gyu-min (Season 2)
Instagram ID: @jayqred
Jung Gyu-min was born in 1994. He's a video designer and owns a studio at Euljiro, an avenue in Seoul, South Korea. His ex-partner in the second season of Transit Love was Sung Hae-eun. They dated for six years and four months, with a breakup in between, and finally called off their relationship a year and three months before Transit Love 2's release.
5) Lee Na-eon (Season 2)
Instagram ID: @inayommi
Lee Na-eon was born in 1996, and she's a sports ancho specializing in Golf. She majored in Physical Education and also anchored a JBTC show called Live Lesson 70. She was in a relationship with Nam Hee-doo, a fellow contestant of the show's second season, who she dated for 2 years and 7 months.
6) Jo Hwi-hyun (Season 3)
Instagram ID: @hwittsle
Jo Hwi-hyun was born in 1999, and is a college student from Korea University, pursuing under the Department of Media Studies. He's also an Instagram influencer with over 120k followers. His ex-partner on the show's third season was Hye-won.
7) Kim Kwang-tae (Season 3)
Instagram ID: @ktttkim
Kim Kwang-tae was born in 1997 and is an Imported Food Sales manager. He appeared in the third season of the dating series and his ex-parter on the series was Jong-eun.
With quite an intriguing lineup of cast members for the spin-off series of the reality dating show, fans are excited to see what friendships and relationships bud out of the same.