A viral post by an X user, @aboutloveknot, about South Korean actor Kim Jung-hyun has stirred controversy online. This followed an alleged public apology directed at Girls' Generation's Seohyun during the pre-recorded 2024 KBS Drama Awards. The apology reportedly delivered during his acceptance speech for his role in Iron Family, has sparked widespread backlash, with fans labeling it as "late and self-serving."
While details of his statement remain unclear, many have linked it to a past scandal involving his behavior on the set of the 2018 drama Time. In the earlier controversy, Kim Jung-hyun faced criticism for allegedly refusing intimate scenes with Seohyun, reportedly because of the influence of his then-girlfriend Seo Yea Ji.
His alleged dismissive behavior toward Seohyun at the drama’s press conference further fueled public outrage. At the time, he claimed his actions were due to his commitment to method acting, which didn’t go down well with fans.
The actor’s recent gesture has reignited frustration, with many accusing him of prioritizing his image over Seohyun’s feelings. They argued that the public nature of the apology forced Seohyun, who was hosting the event, into an uncomfortable situation. An X user, @seohyunheart_ wrote:
"sorry that man had years to apologize in private and if he had any respect for her he wouldn't put her on the spot on stage when she's just trying to be professional while having to be in his uncomfortable presence anyway. GET AWAY FROM HER."
Comments online expressed that such apologies should be private, not delivered at an official event, where it risks overshadowing the professional atmosphere.
"What on earth was Kim Jung-hyun thinking when he apologized to Seohyun, who was watching as the MC, during his acceptance speech? He should just go down and applaud and continue with his schedule, but he really doesn't think about the other person who suddenly brought up his personal issues. This is the first time I've seen such a slow and selfish apology," an X user wrote.
"sorry that man had years to apologize in private and if he had any respect for her he wouldn't put her on the spot on stage when she's just trying to be professional while having to be in his uncomfortable presence anyway. GET AWAY FROM HER," a netizen remarked.
"Seohyun is a real victim even tho she didn't play victim card since his behaviour towards her. But he and his ex kept bringing that case and make seohyun uncomfortable. Such a shameless man," an X user commented.
"I guess I will never ever can be positive over this kim junghyun guy," a user added.
Many suggested the apology to Seohyun should have been private, as the public setting only placed her in an awkward position.
"I am fine with apologizing to #Seohyun but it should be in private, where u and her are talking sincerely not in public. U are putting her in an awkward situation. Whether it is an 'alleged apology' coz some in the qt r so petty," a user wrote.
"apologizing in public is such a low move," a user commented.
"Not him apologizing after 6 years, gross dude," another person mentioned.
All we know about the controversy between Kim Jung-hyun and Seohyun
The controversy between Kim Jung-hyun and Seohyun centers on their time working together on the 2018 drama Time and the events that followed. During the show's press conference, Kim Jung-hyun's behavior toward Seohyun drew widespread criticism, as he appeared detached and refused to hold her hand or engage warmly.
Shortly after, he left the drama citing health concerns, but rumors of underlying tensions persisted. In 2021, Dispatch reported that Kim Jung-hyun's then-girlfriend, actress Seo Yea-ji, had allegedly instructed him to avoid any intimate or romantic scenes with Seohyun, adding fuel to the backlash.
The past controversy resurfaced in 2023 during a press conference for Kim Jung-hyun's drama Kokdu: Season of Deity. When asked about his infamous behavior in 2018, Kim claimed he could not recall the events, stating that he didn’t have memories from five years ago and that everything felt new.
The pre-recorded nature of the awards show has left fans uncertain if the apology will make the final broadcast. Regardless, the controversy highlights ongoing tensions surrounding Kim Jung-hyun's actions, with many questioning the sincerity and timing of his attempts at reconciliation.