BTS’ Jin turned heads with his customized Gucci cap during a recent public appearance. On January 20, he was spotted alongside renowned chef Baek Jong-won while visiting their new liquor business venture, IGIN's physical store. During the visit, he sported a fitted Gucci cap embroidered with the word “HAPPY,” confirming it as a customized piece created by the luxury brand for the BTS star.
Fans were thrilled to see this personalized touch, praising Gucci. Many took to social media to express their appreciation towards Gucci:
"This cap is very Jin like, simple, not too flamboyant nor loud - just the simple Gucci flagship color, and then the black Happy embroidery on the side!" a fan expressed.
"Seriously, they have gone the extra mile designing personalized items for their very special brand ambassador! Smart Gucci and a beautiful way to thank him for his powerful contributions to sales! a fan wrote.
"OUR BIG BABY IS HAPPY," a fan said.
More comments read:
"Cute he really made GUCCI to create a cap just for him. I mean… who can say no to that face," a fan adorably talking about the BTS star.
"Finally he gets what he wants," a fan claimed.
"HE LOOKS SO GOOD!!!!!" a fan exclaimed.
Jin is spotted with Baek Jong-won at their IGIN store
In December 2024, Jin and Baek Jong-won launched IGIN, a traditional spirit infused with the local character of Yesan, Baek’s hometown in South Chungcheong Province. IGIN is available as distilled liquor and ready-to-drink beverages (RTDs) featuring regional fruits like Yesan apples, watermelons, and plums, with flavors marketed as IGIN Sweet Tonic and IGIN Tangy Tonic.
Hence, on January 20, 2025, Jin was spotted proudly wearing the customized cap embroidered with the word "HAPPY," during his visit to the physical store of Jini’s Lamp in Seongsu-dong, Seoul. He was accompanied by Chef Baek Jong-won.
This isn’t the first time Jin has showcased customized Happy merchandise by Gucci. During solo stage performances, he sported a denim jacket featuring the word printed multiple times on the back.
Hence, fans were delighted to see another product of the collaboration's customization.
Appointed as Gucci’s global ambassador on August 8, 2024, he humorously mentioned during one of his Weverse live sessions that he wanted the brand to customize a cap for him:
“Since I’m a Gucci ambassador, I asked them to customize a cap for me that would fit me well.”
Fans initially thought it was just a lighthearted remark, but Gucci surprised everyone by turning his wish into reality.
Moreover, the BTS star's first official OST, Close to You, for the K-drama When the Stars Gossip, is set to release on January 26, 2025. The series even stars popular actor Lee Min-ho, and fans are eagerly anticipating this major milestone in his solo career.
With his ventures in fashion, entrepreneurship and music, BTS’ Jin has been making waves both as a global ambassador for Gucci and through his solo career.