The new dating show Possessed Love aired on June 18, 2024, on SBS. The second episode is scheduled to air on June 25, 10:20 pm KST. With episodes airing every Tuesday, the dating reality show is set to have six episodes.
The show is gaining popularity for its unique format. In contrast to other dating reality shows, where contestants base their decisions on appearances and interactions, Possessed Love identifies soulmates through some unusual dating practices.
The eight members of the cast—four men and four women—were presented to the audience in the first episode. They are fortune tellers in three different traditions: shamanic, tarot card, and Saju reading. They will use their respective skills to find their partner.
More about Possessed Love: A reality dating show with a twist
The new format dating show has been catching a few eyes and drawing attention. However, the PDs stated in the press conference for the show that they decided against having many short episodes in favor of fewer, longer runtimes for each show, with the Olympics just around the corner.
The original plan was for the show to air on an OTT platform. Although there was some progress made in this direction, the choice was finally made to take a big chance and air it on national television (SBS).
The PD also revealed at the press conference that the selection process for the cast was unlike any other. Over the course of two months, the PD interacted with over 100 people and made contact with 1,500 fortune tellers. They even performed in-depth interviews with these people over the course of two or three meetings.
"We checked their elementary, middle, and high school records, marriage certificates, and criminal background checks," the PD said at the press conference.
This process was to confirm the participants' appearance on the show. The production revealed that they left no stone unturned in making sure the participants were genuine and reliable.
The cast consists of Shamans Lee Hong-Jo, Park Yi-yul, and Ham Su-hyeon; Saju readers Lee Jae-Won, Jo Yoo-na, and Heo Gu-bong; and Tarot professionals Jo Han-na and Choi Han-na.
It so happened that with another participant, the 'spirits' did not want her to participate, so she had to withdraw before filming could start. However, Ham Su-hyeon was permitted to take part since the "spirits" gave their approval. She even disappeared into the mountains for a while to pray before the filming began. The PD also had to get permission from the spiritual mother and father.
Possessed Love: What went down in the first episode
The participants had previously made predictions about their fated companions in the first episode of Possessed Love. A few of them made relationship decisions based on these forecasts and even made vague allusions to what might unfold in their romances. Now, viewers wait to check whether or not these things will materialize.
The participants shall use their powers to find their soulmate in the second episode of Possessed Love. The show is garnering attention for its never-done-before format.