Recently, JYP Entertainment announced the debut of their upcoming K-pop boy group, KickFlip. Following the members' completion of their participation in the SBS survival show, LOUD, the contestants Kyehoo, Amaru, Keiju, and Donghyeon, made it to the final debut lineup, along with three new faces, Donghwa, Juwang, and Minje.
The group is scheduled to debut on January 20, 2025, with their first mini-album, Flip It, Kick It! The group name, KickFlip, is derived from the skateboard trick where a person kicks and flips a skateboard at 360 degrees along its long axis that it lands back on the ground. Here's the group's official greeting:
“Flip It! Kick It! Hello, we are KickFlip!”
The following article will unveil more information regarding the KickFlip members, their ages, nationality, and other facts.
All you need to know about the members of JYP Entertainment's upcoming K-pop boy group, KickFlip
Here's everything we know so far about the KickFlip members:
1) Kyehoon (20 years old)
Kyehoon, or Lee Gye-hun, was born on September 16, 2004, in Jeju Island, South Korea. He later moved to Seoul and is currently based there. He graduated from the KwangYoung High School and Hanlim Arts School. He was also a former student of Dance Academy.
He won 1st place at an open audition conducted by JYP Entertainment in 2016 and trained for nine years under the agency alongside K-pop idols from the group, ITZY and Stray Kids. He's one of the winners of the survival show, LOUD, and is known for his skills such as songwriting, composing, and rapping.
2) Amaru (19 years old)
Amaru or Mitsuyuki Amaru was born on October 21, 2005, in Saitama, Japan. He's one of the winners of LOUD and was also a former trainee at YG Entertainment's subsidiary, YG Japan. He's also said to have trained along with the Japanese members of the YG boy group, TREASURE. The idol's skills include rapping, composing, songwriting, and singing.
3) Donghwa (18 years old)
Donghwa, or Lee Dong-hwa, is one of the three new faces of KickFlip who didn't participate in LOUD. The idol was born on March 11, 2006, in Mapo-gu, Seoul, South Korea. He's currently enrolled at the Hanlim Arts School.
He's also a former student at Mainvocal Academy. He has been housed under JYP Entertainment as a trainee for over seven years. In 2018, he passed the auditions at JYP Entertainment and is said to have renewed his contract twice with the agency.
4) Juwang (18 years old)
Juwang or Jang Ju-wang is another KickFlip member who stands among the non-participants of LOUD. He was born on May 2, 2006, in Pohang, Gyeongsangbuk-do, South Korea. He's currently enrolled at the Hanlim Arts School and also studied at the Soul Tree Practical Music Academy.
5) Minje (18 years old)
Minje, or Choi Min-je, is the last new face of KickFlip. He was born on May 12, 2006, in Seoul, South Korea, but was brought up mostly in Suwon, Gyeonggi-do. He has been a trainee under JYP Entertainment since 2021 and was also a former student at WithBill Dance Studio. He's currently enrolled at the Hanlim Arts School.
6) Keiju (18 years old)
Keiju or Okamoto Keiji was born on October 4, 2006, in Tokyo, Japan, and is one of the winners of LOUD. He previously appeared on JTBC's Stage K during the iKON episode of the Japanese representative team, where he performed the track Beautiful by iKON.
7) Donghyeon (17 years old)
Donghyeon or Lee Dong-hyeon is the last member and youngest member of the debut group. He was born on March 13, 2007, in Jung-gu, Daegu, South Korea. He's currently enrolled at the Hanlim Arts School and is known for various skills including songwriting, ice hockey, dancing, poetry, and more.
With quite an interesting set of members lined up for the debut group, fans are thrilled to see what the latest JYP Entertainment K-pop boy group has in store for them.