On June 15, 2024, the American comedy and animated film Despicable Me 4 announced an unexpected collaboration with the South Korean boy band BTS via their official X account. A teaser for the upcoming partnership, featuring the group members as minions dancing to their 2021 single Permission to Dance, was also released.
ARMYs have expressed their eagerness to see what kind of story Despicable Me 4 and the group would present. Naturally, when the fandom noticed that the group's English single Permission to Dance was featured in the teaser, fans were amazed by the track's global popularity and tweeted:
"Permission to dance, you'll always be famous."
Netizens speculated about the possibility of receiving an OT7 music video or track, while others concluded that the upcoming collaboration did not appear to be a music project. According to fans, Despicable Me 4 will feature the group's old songs or a mini cartoon of BTS Minions X Poppy.
Meanwhile, speculation about the new music began when multiple posters teasing a possible collaboration between the group and Despicable Me 4 surfaced on June 13, 2024.
"The possibilities are endless..we could get a new ot7 song, a new mv, bts minion plushies, bts voice actors debut..like seriously the possibilities are endless however everyone needs to be ready in case is a new song so get ur streaming accounts ready for next friday," A fan reacted.
"We're not sure what's gonna happen but it's giving PTD/Butter era! We going back or getting something new?," A fan shared.
"Out in the wild armys found posters which tease a collab between BTS and Despicable Me 4, the next Minions movie. It's speculated a new OT7 song for OST could be coming Despicable Me 4 will premiere in theaters next month," A fan tweeted.
"I don't think it's an OST people?!! I think old BTS songs will be there for Poppy section. Or There will be mini cartoon of BTS minions×POPPY," A fan commented.
Many ARMYs commented on how the BTS-inspired Minions looked 'cute.' Others urged Despicable Me 4 to reveal details about the upcoming collaboration so that fans could set global goals in case a new song would be released. They were also ecstatic when the Minions made a 'fun sign' with their fingers in the teaser, just like the group members did in their Permission to Dance music video.
"THEY ARE MAKING THEIR VOICE ACTING DEBUT???? butter being apart of the soundtrack??? MERCH!??? NEW SONG???"- A user shared.
"Just Spill the tea..Aaaaah..We Need To Set our global goals and start promoting ...Am I getting too excited ..hehe."- A user mentioned.
"I LOVE Permission to Dance! And now there is PTD , and they signed “Fun” with their fingers too! But more importantly. What’s on NEXT FRIDAY, 21.06.2024?!? [Despicable Me 4 isn’t out until 3.07]"- A user commented.
Recent activities of BTS members
Recently, the group members, including Kim Namjoon, Suga, j-hope, Jimin, Kim Taehyung, and Jungkook, commemorated the discharge of BTS Jin on June 12, 2024.
The oldest member of the group was officially discharged as an active-duty soldier from the Fifth Infantry Division Recruit Battalion in Yeoncheon, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea. The members also shared an OT7 selca on their official X account.
On the same day, Jin entered the HYBE building and, without changing his military uniform, started a Weverse Live, interacting with the fandom, ARMYs, after eighteen months of military service.
The following day, on June 13, the idol organized an in-person FESTA event to celebrate the group's eleventh anniversary, where he hugged 1000 ARMYs. He also gifted the fandom in attendance with a clock and a bouquet.
The septet and Despicable Me 4 collaboration will be released on June 21, 2024, and the animated film is set to hit theaters on July 3, 2024.