On Thursday, June 27, BELIFT Lab issued a statement regarding ENHYPEN Jay's health status. As per the agency, the idol had been suffering from knee pain and was advised to take rest following a medical examination. Thus, the idol will not be performing at ENHYPEN FATE PLUS IN JAPAN, Hiroshima, on Day 2.
Additionally, it was also announced that the idol will be absent from the group's performance at the Music Core in Japan, which is scheduled to take place on June 28. While fans are relieved that the idol is getting some well-deserved rest, they couldn't help but criticize BELIFT Lab for allegedly neglecting and overworking their artists.
Fans expressed that Jay has been experiencing knee pain for a long time. The singer confessed about the same in October of last year, during the U.S. leg of ENHYPEN's FATE Tour. Regardless, the members have been consistently rolling out comebacks and tours, which fans claim have not given Jay enough time to rest and heal from his injuries.
They also called out the agency for not paying attention to this early on and demanded that they take the necessary actions that would allow the idol to heal from his knee pain.
"I knew it was his knee again. You should've done better . This has been going on for a few months already," said a fan on X.
"With Belift fcked up schedule, it will never heal. They talk abt prioritizing the artists health but can’t even consider giving them a rest," added another fan on X.
"This stupid company will never learn that their artist is a not robot. jay has been experiencing knee pain for a long time and instead of giving them a break first they made another tour for them," said another netizen.
More netizens expressed their anger towards the agency for allegedly neglecting and overworking the ENHYPEN member.
"Normalize blaming @BELIFTLAB for overworking them you should have taken them on a vacation for at least one month before doing the fate + tour," said a netizen.
"God pls take jay's knee pain and double & triple it to belift staffs who let them to go on tour NON STOP ," added a X user.
"This is genuinely so frustrating and this makes me so sad for him his knee has been bad for months my poor Jay," said another X user.
BELIFT Lab releases statement announcing Jay's absence from ENHYPEN's schedules, updates on his health condition
ENHYPEN is currently touring as part of its extended world tour, ENHYPEN FATE PLUS, where the members have been performing in several countries across the world. Their most recent leg was in Japan, with stops in five different cities. The boy band is currently in Hiroshima, showcasing a two-day concert.
While the first day went smoothly, BELIFT Lab reported that ENHYPEN Jay's knee pain gradually worsened. Here is the statement they issued on the matter.
"After the first day of shows for ENHYPEN FATE PLUS IN JAPAN Hiroshima, Jay experienced knee pain and was treated and diagnosed by local medics. As a result, they advised him to refrain from strenuous movement including choreography and performances, etc."
The statement continued,
"Although the artist himself possesses a strong will to participate, following the advice from the medics, we will be minimizing his movement during today’s show. He will not participate in the sound check and will perform on a chair without dancing for the show."
The agency further stated that ENHYPEN will perform as six members at Music Core in Japan. Requesting fans' understanding on the matter, BELIFT LAB emphasized that it takes into consideration the health of the artist.
"The company prioritizes the health of the artist and will do our best in his treatment and recovery so that he can meet fans healthily as soon as possible," the agency wrote in its concluding statements.
Since the announcement, fans have been trending hashtags, hoping for the fast recovery of the idol.