Episode 2 of Buried Hearts begins with Eun-nam aka Jennifer Heo preparing to enter the wedding venue as the bride. Heo Il-do visits the bridal room and talks to Eun-nam. She says that she will proceed with the wedding as Chairman Cha and Jang-seon intended.
She asks him if her mother and her uncle know about her affair with Dong-ju. Il-do says that the matter is under wraps as it will cause a stir amongst her in-laws if it comes to light. She then asks him if her father Sun-ho was really killed in the car accident or if Il-do killed him. Il-do assures it was an accident and Sun-ho was just unlucky.
What happens to Dong-ju after Eun-nam is wed in Buried Hearts episode 2?
The scene cuts to Eun-nam walking down the aisle. Dong-ju is thrown into a storage room until the wedding is complete. Dong-ju checks his phone to find a text message from Eun-nam telling him that she will be married by the time he reads the message.
Just then, the bodyguards enter the storage room to escort Dong-ju to Chairman Cha's office. In the office, Jang-seon, his brother, Chairman Cha, and Il-do are present. Jang-seon's brother asks the chairman and Il-do to take care of Hui-cheol as he grew up without a mother.

Jang-seon assures the chairman and Il-do that Hui-cheol is the best prosecutor in the country and a worthy groom to Eun-nam. The door opens as two attendants walk by for the next ceremony preparations. Dong-ju spots Eun-nam and follows her.
He confronts her about their relationship and throws his watch at her as she had gifted it when they were dating. She reveals that the watch isn't fake. He asks her if she loves him, and she replies that her marriage has nothing to do with love. It is more a transaction than a relationship. She tells him to wear the watch as it would conceal the tattoo with Eun-nam's name on his wrist.
Who is Sister Agnes in Buried Hearts episode 2?
He then visits a church to meet Sister Agnes. She addresses him by his Christian name, Stephanus. Sister Agnes proceeds to enquire about Eun-nam and he tells her that he was dumped. Sister Agnes throws a fit. As he prepares to leave, she gives him a concoction to drink for good health. She shows sisterly concern for his well-being.
Dong-ju drives away from the church. He receives a call from the chairman informing him that the alcohol safe is empty. Dong-ju promptly buys alcohol and visits the chairman’s office to restock the safe. However, he finds that the combination for the safe is changed. He and the chairman were the only ones who knew the combination for the safe.
Further in Buried Hearts episode 2, we see that a house help named Ja-ok and Secretary Gong are preparing the guest bedroom for the newlyweds. Ja-ok passes juicy comments about the couple’s first night and Eun-nam arrives with her hanbok. Hui-cheol is absent as he is with the chairman for a round of drinks.
Secretary Gong asks if Eun-nam chooses to have the guest room to stay away from her parents and Eun-nam agrees. Later we see that she is dressed in the hanbok and gets emotional looking at an old photo of her father and her.
Eun-nam's family comes into the picture in Buried Hearts episode 2
She finds her younger brother Heo Tae-yun. She asks why he backed away when she saw him and he says that it is because she hates him. Eun-nam says that was an old thing. He asks if she is happy in her marriage and Eun-nam says that it has only been a day so how could he ask her that? He says he asked that because she was dating Dong-ju.
Eun-nam is surprised to know that he knows. Her mother asks her to keep her and Dong-ju’s affair a secret from the chairman and her husband. The family sits for dinner and Dong-ju is invited too. The former lovers look longingly at each other. On the other hand, Jang-seon and his family are rejoicing about the wedding.
The scene cuts to Dong-ju dreaming about Eun-nam. He wakes up to find a servant waiting there to wake him up. He tells Dong-ju that Dong-ju drank a jar of alcohol and passed out. Hui-cheol piggy-backed Dong-ju to the room. He informs Dong-ju that the chairman is waiting for him in his office.
Did the chairman kick Dong-ju out of Daesan?
Next in Buried Hearts episode 2, we see Dong-ju hastily arrive at the office only to find it empty. He tries to enter the secret room but the passcode seems to be changed again. He turns to find the chairman waiting for him. Dong-ju says that he realized that the chairman knows about Dong-ju and Eun-nam’s affair. Dong-ju asks how the chairman knew.
The chairman reveals that Jang-seon informed him and asked him to kick Dong-ju out of Daesan Group in exchange for overlooking Eun-nam’s affair. Dong-ju comes clean about his initial plan to rise in ranks in Daesan however he left the chance to be with Eun-nam. He readily replies that he will wrap things up and resign from Daesan soon.
The chairman rubbishes Dong-ju’s resignation and drives him to a bakery. The chairman tells Dong-ju that the bakery’s owner Ji Yeong-su was his mistress and the employee Ji Seon-u is his son. The scene in Buried Hearts episode 2 cuts to Eun-nam’s family discussing the threat that is Ji Seon-u.
Tae-yun comes down to drink the medicine and his mom asks him how did he find out about Eun-nam and Dong-ju’s affair. Tae-yun tries to brush off the matter and goes to make ramen. The scene cuts to a flashback where Tae-yun and Dong-ju are discussing Dong-ju’s girlfriend.
Tae-yun is shocked to find that Eun-nam is his girlfriend. In Buried Hearts episode 2, just as Tae-yun is eating the ramen, Dong-ju and the chairman arrive. The chairman declines the offer for ramen saying he has had eaten bread.
Is Il-do promoted to the vice chairman position in Buried Hearts episode 2?
Il-do arrives shortly after and enquires about the chairman with Tae-yun. He is surprised to hear that the chairman took Dong-ju to meet with his son. Il-do rushes to the chairman’s office where he meets Dong-ju. Dong-ju apologizes to Il-do for his behavior last night. Il-do talks to the chairman to dismiss Dong-ju.The two have a tiff.
That scene in Buried Hearts episode 2, cuts to a short flashback where the chairman reveals the new codes to Dong-ju. He also tells him that he wants his son Ji Seon-u to come to Daesan. Dong-ju prepares some gold and money from the safe. He arrives at Jang-seon’s house and has a verbal tiff with Hui-cheol.
Dong-ju meets Jang-seon and delivers the money and gold. Jang-seon asks what the bribe means and Dong-ju says it is the chairman’s way of asking him to take care of Eun-nam. Dong-ju tries to reassure him that he won’t leave Daesan and won’t create any problems as well. He sees Hui-cheol and Eun-nam again and leaves shortly after.
A bodyguard arrives to tell Dong-ju about Manager Yoo. The bodyguard confirms if Dong-ju intentionally let a news out. Dong-ju agrees. The scene cuts to Eun-nam and her mother picking a bespoke suit for Il-do to congratulate him on his promotion to vice chairman. And they also pick a suit for Hui-cheol.
Jang-seon orders an attack on Dong-ju in Buried Hearts episode 2
In the last few minutes of Buried Hearts episode two, we see that Il-do receives the shocking news that he won’t be promoted to vice chairman as the board member. Deok-hui is also present at the meeting. She protests the dismissal and urges her father to let her lead Daesan Energy. Il-do conceals his true reaction and meets Dong-ju on his way out.
Il-do is suspicious of the chairman and Dong-ju’s proximity. He updates Jang-seon and he is miffed that Dong-ju again interfered with the decisions. Dong-ju visits Manager Yoo’s office only to find no one at the apartment. He talks to the bodyguard, who is present with Jang-seon at his property.
Dong-ju opens the apartment door and is attacked. Episode 2 of Buried Hearts concludes as Dong-ju retaliates with the attacker. He finds a golden ring with a red gemstone on his hand. The attacker’s phone rings and the person calling asks about Dong-ju. Episode 3 of Buried Hearts ends with Dong-ju coming to a hard realization about his future.
Buried Hearts airs on SBS TV at 10 PM KST and is available for streaming on Disney+ in selected regions.