BTS’ Jin and Japanese singer-actor Masaki Aiba reunited on the special edition of Since Those Days, a popular variety show that aired on December 7, 2024, on Nippon Television. The pair previously collaborated on the Japanese show 24-Hour TV. Set in Seoul, the program blended lighthearted humor and reflective conversations as Jin hosted Aiba, showcasing the city and across HYBE.
The show featured segments where Jin introduced Aiba to his favorite local haunts, offering a glimpse into his everyday life. Viewers were treated to heartfelt discussions about their careers and cultural exchanges.
In the episode, the BTS idol shared a comment about his relationships with his bandmates, suggesting how the members keep their friendship aside whenever they work together. He said:
"You have to respect your members. But to truly show respect, I believe it’s essential for everyone to clearly understand that we’re not just friends, but colleagues working together. It’s not the kind of dynamic where, like friends, if you get upset, you refuse to help each other."
He explained that while they may not engage in constant texting or calling, they maintain a deep bond, seeing each other as much as possible.
"Since we’re working together, even if there are situations where personal feelings get hurt, the most important thing is to stay professional and focus on the work. [...] We see each other almost every day. If you take out the 6 or so hours we spend sleeping, we were together almost 15 hours a day. That was how it was for about 10 years."
However, some fans misunderstood the BTS idol's words, perceiving them as a sign that he didn’t consider his bandmates as close friends. However, the singer was simply pointing out that, due to their constant collaboration, one has to keep aside their friendly ties and work together professionally regardless of their disagreements.
The BTS ARMY came forward to defend the Running Wild singer-songwriter and wrote on X:
"Jin talking about how one has to keep friendship away from workplace & see as a co-worker. That's called being PROFESSIONAL. It doesn't mean they are whatever you're trying to cook rn"
Fans underscored that the musician's relationship with the BTS members remains incredibly strong, as evidenced by their shared experiences and time spent together both professionally and personally.
"“We’re not JUST friends, but also coworkers” Is what he said. Thank you for coming to my ted talk but can we pause for a moment to acknowledge he said they only sleep for 6 hrs," one fan said.
"He was asked about respect and professionalism and he answered accrdgy. The boys just know how to separte their personal and professionl aapect of their relationship and that's good." another fan said.
"He is right. I have collegues so close we babysat each other's children, but at work having that boundary and respect of each other is important." one other fan added.
Others mentioned that BTS' closeness among each other is built not on frequent communication but on shared history and mutual understanding. Fans shared anecdotes from their respective personal lives on how they maintain professionalism while working alongside their family members.
"Agree with him 100%. I used to work with my sisters and as soon as we enter our work place we become coworkers not family. Is better that way." one fan shared.
"I think its misinterpreted like he was talking abt professionalism that When they do work together they act like partners not frnds" another fan stated.
"Hi. I am Japanese ARMY. That programme was great. I am outraged that such an outrageous falsehood is being spread by a mistranslation of the Japanese language and someone's malicious intent." one other fan stressed.
More about BTS' Jin debut solo album release and 2024 Paris Olympics appearance
One of the major highlights of BTS' Jin's recent activities was the release of his debut solo album, Happy, which dropped on November 15, 2024. The album features six tracks, with Jin reflecting on his personal journey toward discovering happiness.
This marks a major milestone for Jin, who previously released the popular single The Astronaut in 2022. The album released two music videos for the album's lead single, Running Wild, and the pre-release single, I'll Be There.
Notably, he participated in the 2024 Paris Olympic Torch Relay, as one of the honorable torchbearers to carry the Olympic Flame. He walked across the Louvre Pyramid on July 15, 2024, carrying the flame, making history as the first Korean artist to do so.
In other news, Jin became the global ambassador for FRED, LANEIGE, Gucci, and ALO since he was discharged from the military on June 12, 2024.