Directed by Umberto Carteni, The Love Scam, is an Italian comedy about two brothers who are sinking under debt and must resort to illegal measures to save themselves and their home in Naples. The duo decide to become con men and swindle a wealthy heiress but problems arise when love and feelings get in between.
The movie stars Antonio Folletto, Laura Adriani, and Vincenzo Nemolato and is a light-hearted movie that was released recently on Netflix on January 1, 2025. Viewers who enjoyed the comedy caper about love, con men, and duping can check the list below for some similarly-themed movies.
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, The Brothers Bloom, and other movies like The Love Scam
1) The Hustle - Amazon Prime Video
Starring Anne Hathaway and Rebel Wilson, this comedy movie is inspired by the 1988 movie, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, and revolves around two women, Penny and Josephine, who are con artists that dupe wealthy men.
While Penny is a small-time Australian con artist, Josephine is a sophisticated British con artist. Directed by Chris Addison, the two meet at the French Riviera and decide to swindle a billionaire together. Like The Love Scam, the movie is a comedy and has a similar premise about duping a wealthy person.
2) The Tinder Swindler - Netflix
Directed by Felicity Morris, this British true crime documentary movie tells the story of Simon Leviev, who was an Israeli conman who used the dating app Tinder to emotionally manipulate women into sending him money.
Simon used to lie to them by saying that he was escaping from dangerous enemies and therefore needed the finances. He would travel across Europe and claim in front of people that he was the son of diamond mogul, Lev Leviev. Even though it is not a comedy like The Love Scam, the movie has the same plot about people duping the wealthy.
3) Dirty Rotten Scoundrels - Amazon Prime Video
Starring Steve Martin and Michael Caine, this comedy movie is a famous film about con men. Directed by Frank Oz, it is a remake of the 1964 movie, Bedtime Story, and revolves around two con men from different backgrounds, who meet at the French Riviera and compete to swindle a wealthy tourist.
While Lawrence (Caine) is an affluent con artist with a high-flying clientele, Freddy (Martin) is a small-time hustler who cons women for meager amounts. When the two collide, they hilariously try to compete against each other. Like The Love Scam, the movie is extremely similar and features two men duping a woman but ending up falling in love.
4) Housesitter - Amazon Prime Video
Another movie by Frank Oz, this romantic comedy movie features Steve Martin and Goldie Hawn and centers around Newton (Martin), who leaves his house abandoned after his girlfriend dumps him. When he tells his story to a waitress, Gwen (Hawn), she uses the opportunity to dupe him.
She arrives at the house and begins to stay there while pretending to be Newton’s wife. But trouble arises when Newton comes back and joins Gwen in her little game and plays along with her. Like The Love Scam, the movie is a comedy that revolves around con artists and duping.
5) The Brothers Bloom - Amazon Prime Video
Starring Adrien Brody, Mark Ruffalo, and Rachel Weisz, this comedy-drama directed by Rian Johnson is about two brothers, Stephen (Ruffalo) and Bloom (Brody) who are successful con men. But when Bloom wants to end their conning career, Stephen convinces him to complete a final job.
The two decide to target an East Coast heiress Penelope (Weisz), who turns out to be eccentric and quirky. The movie received mixed reviews but it is extremely similar to The Love Scam and has the same premise about two brothers duping a rich woman and things getting complicated.
6) Catch Me If You Can - Amazon Prime Video
Directed by Steven Spielberg and starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hanks, this biographical crime comedy is based on the claims of con man Frank Abagnale Jr. In the movie, Frank (Leonardo) is a con artist who has progressively used bold techniques to swindle millions of dollars of money.
But things change when an FBI agent, Carl (Hanks), comes to know about Frank and decides to hunt him down. The movie was a critical and commercial success and people praised its stylish and entertaining direction. Like The Love Scam, the movie has similar themes about con men and duping.
Viewers are welcome to go through the list and choose a movie of their liking.