Bad Boys: Ride or Die is the fourth and latest installment in the long-running Bad Boys film series. The franchise began with the release of the first movie, Bad Boys, in 1995, which was directed by Michael Bay and produced by Jerry Bruckheimer. The original Bad Boys, and all its sequels, star Will Smith and Martin Lawrence in leading roles.
Bad Boys: Ride or Die was released in theaters on June 7, 2024, and the film has recently released on Netflix. The streaming service has a large library of shows and films that subscribers can watch in addition to Bad Boys: Ride or Die. Here's a list of seven of them.
1) Rush Hour
Rush Hour is a buddy cop comedy starring Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker. The film remains one of the most enduring classics of the 1990s, and its success spawned two sequels, Rush Hour 2 and Rush Hour 3.
The first film remains a memorable watch, with its impeccable writing that pairs up Chris Tucker's James Tucker, who's an LAPD detective, with Jackie Chan's Chief Inspector Lee from the Hong Kong police. The two face off against a criminal smuggling ring, and they gradually come to work together as a team and better understand one another.
2) Men In Black
This 1997 film stars Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones in the leading roles of MIB agents James Edwards or agent J and Kevin Brown or agent K, respectively. The two are a part of a secret agency that deals with the existence of extraterrestrial life.
The film's plot kicks into high gear, thanks to the machinations of a bug alien, who has possessed a farmer and is plotting to instigate an intergalactic war, putting the unassuming citizens of Earth in jeopardy.
3) Hancock
Hancock is a 2008 superhero film starring Bad Boys: Ride or Die lead actor Will Smith and is a satire of the superhero genre. Will Smith's character, Hancock, is a washed-up, down-on-his-luck vigilante, who saves the life of Ray Embrey, a public relations manager.
Heartened by Hancock's gesture but disappointed by his slovenly reputation, Ray proceeds to revamp Hancock's reputation to make him a beloved hero among the people. That, though, causes tensions with his wife, Mary, who seemingly has a past history with Hancock.
4) National Security
National Security is a 2003 film starring Bad Boys: Ride or Die star Martin Lawrence as Earl Montgomery. The film is directed by Dennis Durgan and co-stars Steve Zahn in the leading role of Hank Rafferty.
The film follows the two as they start out working as cops before shifting to private security. They're also trying to track down a gang of thieves who may have been responsible for the death of Hank's friend, Charlie Reed.
5) Baby Driver
Baby Driver is a 2017 crime thriller directed by Edgar Wright, starring Ansel Elgort, Eiza Gonzales, Jon Hamm and Jaime Foxx. The film follows a gang of criminals who are assisted by their deaf getaway driver.
However, things eventually go south during a post office heist gone awry, and the driver becomes a target of the very criminals he'd been working with. Fans of Bad Boys: Ride or Die might be intrigued by the perspective the film gives of the other side of the law.
6) I Am Legend
I Am Legend is a 2007 adaptation of Richard Matheson's 1954 post-apocalyptic novel. The film stars Bad Boys: Ride or Die lead Will Smith as Robert Neville, a lonely survivor of an apocalyptic outbreak that has rendered most of the people as vampiric Darkseekers.
Hardened by his experiences, Neville seeks to discover a cure for the Darkseeker disease, regardless of the cost to his own safety and well-being.
7) Bright
Bright is a 2017 buddy cop and urban fantasy film starring Will Smith alongside Joel Edgerton. Will Smith plays Daryl Ward, an LAPD officer who's human but works alongside fantasy and mythical beings, like his own partner, an orc named Nick Jacoby.
The two partner up to deal with the the problems of racism and bigotry within the police department as well as the dangers faced by an elf named Tikka, who possesses a sought-after magic wand.
These seven films should provide ample entertainment for fans of the Bad Boys films, including Bad Boys: Ride or Die, which is currently streaming on Netflix.