A Dance in the Snow is an upcoming Christmas drama TV movie that will be released on Hallmark Mystery on December 5, 2024. The story is set in a small town and primarily focuses on Melanie, a single mother who wants to encourage her autistic teenage daughter to attend the school Christmas dance. She gets help from her daughter's teacher, Daniel, to organize a welcoming dance for all students and starts falling for him while helping her daughter with the Christmas performance.
A Dance in the Snow features a talented cast that includes both young and seasoned actors. Erica Cerra, Mark Ghanimé, Vanessa Burghardt, and Dorian Giordano will prominent roles in the film.
The main cast of A Dance in the Snow
Erica Cerra as Melanie
Erica Cerra debuted on Hallmark Mystery with Mystery on Mistletoe Lane and has regularly collaborated with the platform. She will be playing the role of Melanie, a single mother of an autistic teenage daughter in the upcoming film.
The actress started her career as a child actor on the Canadian show KidZone. She later appeared in projects such as Smallville, The Dead Zone, Reaper, Blade: Trinity, and Supernatural, among several others.
Mark Ghanime as Daniel
Mark Ghanime is playing Daniel, a high school teacher who collaborates with his autistic student's mother, Melanie, to create a welcoming dance for all students. In the process, he starts falling for Melanie.
Mark Ghanime gain prominence through his role as Major Sergio Balleseros on the Syfy original series Helix. He also played Don Carlos in the popular CW series Reign. Like Erica Serra, he also guest-starred in Smallville. A few of his other projects include The Secret Circle, Fairly Legal, and Arrow.
Vennesa Burghardt as Jenny
Venessa Burghardt, who was showered with praise for her performance as Lola in Cooper Raif's film Cha Cha Real Smooth, is playing Jenny in A Dance in the Snow. Jenny is an autistic teenager who wants to avoid the senior year Christmas dance because she has had a bad experience before. However, she also wants to honor her mother and plan their party. Venessa also played a part in Lost and Found in Cleveland.
Dorian Giordano as Will
Dorian Giordano, who played Aydo in Avatar: The Last Air Bender TV show is playing the role of Will. There isn't much information about the character, but in the trailer, we can see Will interacting with Jenny, which hints at a romantic angle between them.
Dorian Giordano is an ace athlete who involves himself in multiple sports apart from being a World Champion Professional Freestyle BMX Rider. He was recently seen in Reindeer Games, Thanksgiving, and Reacher.
Additional cast of A Dance in the Snow
Below is the complete of cast members of the film and what roles they will play
- Erica Cerra as Melanie
- Mark Ghanime as Daniel
- Vennesa Burghardt as Jenny
- Dorian Giordano as Will
- Jennifer Baker as Hillary Foy
- Julianna Paul as Caitlin
- Tyson Kirk as Jake
- Liam McFord as Liam
- Daniel Ray-Astley as a student
About A Dance in the Snow
A Dance in the Snow will be streaming on Hallmark Mystery. Here's how the platform describes the film:
Melanie’s 17-year-old autistic daughter Jenny is a senior in high school and looking forward to college. After a bad experience her junior year, Jenny is not interested in attending her final Christmas dance before graduating. Melanie decides to surprise Jenny by getting involved in the school’s planning committee to create a welcoming dance for all students.
It continues,
Meanwhile, Jenny and her friends secretly plan their own party, in part to honor Melanie. Melanie works with Jenny’s literature teacher on the dance and starts to fall for him while Jenny develops something special with a new classmate at school. When their secrets snowball, however, their plans begin to drive a wedge between the usually tightknit mother and daughter at the holidays.
Stay tuned for more news and updates for A Dance in the Snow and other movies on Hallmark Channel and Hallmark Mystery.
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